What did you tell your child when he/she asked you "where do babies come from?" My kids were in their preteen years when I first got that question from them. I wasn't sure what to say at first, I was shocked to be getting this question so soon. I knew that this day was coming and I did not plan on what to say.
The Stork Is Coming Or Not!?
Many people tell their children that the stork brings the baby and deliver he/her to the parents. I on the other hand felt silly about saying that a bird flew and deliver a baby like a package. I am totally not judging anyone who choose to teach their children about the stork, to each is own. If that works for you then two thumbs up for you, I am glad that you found what works for you. I on the other hand decided to take a different approach. When my kids popped the question I tried my best to answer with as little detail as possible. I was not ready to have "the birds and the bees" conversation yet and so I tip toe my way around it. Here is what I told my kids, I told them that babies are a blessing and they come from heaven. Furthermore, God put the baby in the the mommy's tummy. After I was done explaining where babies come from I waited for their reaction. I was relieved when they said "ok" just like that I was out of the hot seat. Thank God that there were no further questions because I had no follow up. The sex discussion I'll save for the next time, that was interesting to say the least.
I am interested to hear your stories about how you talk to your kids about where babies come from. Comment below and let me know your thoughts.