Monday, April 27, 2020

Better Late Than Never, Your Latter Will Be Greater Moms!

It's been quite a Journey, I am 16 years in as a stay at home mom. Life has gotten so busy, sometimes it felt like time was going too fast, and sometimes it felt like time was not moving fast enough. If you are a stay at home mom, you now exactly what I'm talking about. It seems like my children has grown up so fast, they years has flown by. At the same time, the day to day work can become tedious and repetitive. The repetitiveness and not enough me time as left me thinking if this is all there is to life. Motherhood is blessing, but I am not going to lie it can be tiring. I have often admired moms who are able to work full-time and still be there for their children. How do they do it? Although, I was a working mom in the earlier years, I don't fully know if could have done that the entire time. I am sure that I could have done it if I had to. I am thankful that I had the choice to decide what I wanted to do. It was a blessing being their for my children, and being present to see all of their milestones.

Home Bound

I was a person who always had a job, I held at least two jobs while going to school full-time. That is not an easy thing to do as a college student but I was highly motivated. Upon graduating college, I got my first job as a substitute teacher. I worked as a substitute teacher for 3 years and I had my first child in my 2nd year of teaching. Shortly there after I had my second child, and made the decision to stay at home full time. It was a very hard adjustment for me, because I was use to being in control of my own finances. It was scary and nerve wrecking to put it lightly. I was also going through depression and work was a distraction for me, I was afraid that being home would enhance my depression. There were a lot of factors to consider when I decide to stay at home. I dove into it head first and took on all of the consequences that came with my decision.

Rusty And Dusty

Honestly, being home for so long was a blow to my self-esteem. I stopped doing everything that I loved to do and became a devoted care taker for my family. Previously, I enjoyed reading and talking about books with fellow English majors and readers. I also enjoyed, going to see plays of all kind, and visiting museums. I was absolutely obsessed with writing and listening to music. I had gotten to the point were I was in a slump and I was starved for intellectual conversation and the activities that I was accustomed to.

Identity Crisis

I was more than rusty, I was in an identity crisis. I did not keep up with the activities that I enjoyed, and I was not giving myself the self-care that I deserved. It had been ages since I dressed up and went anywhere. I was still wearing maternity clothes years after giving birth, and my brain was completely fried from not having any other adult to talk to all day. I was taking care of my family and loving on my family, but I forgot to love and care for myself. Many years had passed and I looked into the mirror and did not know who this person was.

A  Familiar Reflection 

I was in my early 30's when I decided go back to school for to enter the human services field. I felt like I was starting over again, I had a chance for ado over. It felt like old times learning an growing, I am like a sponge and I love to learn. I made it through the program and graduated with an 4.0 GPA, I was so proud of myself. After graduation, I began volunteering in my community. My life experiences and my love for volunteering, inspired me to start  a support group in my community. Today, it's been 4 years since my support group has been hosted by a local hospital. I am making time for self care and I am feeling like myself again. I am writing a lot again and enjoying activities that brings me joy. I am learning that I can be a mom & wife and still be me. I have dreams and goals and I am excited for what the future holds.


Monday, April 20, 2020

My Love Language To My Family In #Quarantine

I see mom's across the globe virtually showing the love for their families through food.
There are ways to show love to our families, having a great meal with our family is just one of them. It makes me happy to cook a great meal for my family, and it's even better sitting down with them and enjoying that meal. I love to see the smiles and the joy that they feel when they eat a meal, I have made for them. Every mom has a love language that works for their family, food is one of my love language to my family. Although, I do have many other love languages to my family, food seems to be very prominent.

My other love language to my family is quality time, we love to go on family walks in the park. Our favorite thing to do at the park is to see the cherry blossoms. We missed the cherry blossoms this year due to the current pandemic, parks are closed in New Jersey. It's been hard to take a walk in our neighborhood because of the mandatory #stayhome order in our town. However, we are doing our best to do other activities as a family, we have a backyard that we can use for outdoor activities. My family and I also enjoy family game night, we have plenty board games to keep the fun going. Movie time is also among our favorite activities ( if we all agree on what movie to watch). Whatever, the circumstances are my love language to my family remains the same. Every mom wants to have a happy and healthy family, this gives me great joy. What is your love language to your family?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Surviving Home School In #Quarantine

 Well hello parents, all of us have become full time teachers overnight, thanks to quarantine! 😁

I was previously a substitute teacher, before I became a stay at home mom some 15 years ago.
boy! that is a long time ago, I am pretty rusty at this teaching thing. I have been trying to get back into the swing of this teaching thing.

Everyone is up at 8 A.M. and I make sure my children are following there schedules and turning in their assignments. Also, I am their advocate and secretary when it comes to communicating with teachers and administration. This new quarantine and home school life is our new reality for now, I am making the best of it. Hope you guys are holding up well with home schooling. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Mom I'm Bored!!

Us moms we do our best to handle the day to day schedule and spend family time with our children.
We get it done even if we are tired from all the running around that we do.
We do our best to keep our children busy with wholesome activities, but they always seem to say: Mom I'm bored. I am beginning to think that there is no cure for a child's boredom.


I grew up in the 90's when there were no internet, cell phone and other devices. I had video games growing up but there weren't a variety and video games weren't as advance as it is now. Back then if I was bored I had to use my imagination and event something to do. It's hard to believe that a child is bored when they have endless entertainment. They have cell phone, tablets, laptops and gaming consoles ( just to name a few) and a library of video games to chose from. There are also a host of books and e-books to choose form. Not to mention that there are also traditional board games, music and movies to choose from. How does someone find themselves bored with so many options?

To Entertain or Not To Entertain? 

We can have family time, quality time or family game night, but parents are not full time entertainers. There comes a time when our little ones will have to be left to discover their own creativity. I can do a lot of things as a parent but curing a child's boredom at every turn is an impossible feat. Mom's can't solve every spell of boredom, but thank goodness we can help with most things.