Monday, February 24, 2020

Mom's Love These Baby Products!

For this blog I talk to a few moms that I know. I had my favorite baby products when I had babies. I wanted to find out what products are popular among moms. I spoke to a mom who is a new mom and this is her first child, She has a 1 month old baby boy. The second mom that I spoke to has two children, her youngest child is 4 years old and her oldest is 5 years old. The second mom has both a boy and a girl. I also decided to share my favorite baby products as well I have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I wanted to choose moms who have children who vary in age, so that we can also compare new baby products verses older products.

Before I continue I must put a disclaimer, I do NOT endorse any of these products. I am NOT being paid by anyone to talk about these products. We are just everyday moms sharing our experience with products that we love.

Here we go!

The first lists is from new mom Angie who has a 1 month old son.

1. Huggies Diapers
2. Dr. Brown Bottle
3. Avent Bottles
4. Avent Bottle Warmer
5. Spectra Breast Pump
6. Wipe Warmer
7. Gripe Water
8. Ubbi Diaper Pail
9. Hoppy Lounger pillow
10. Tuut Baby Wipe Warmer

Angie has a long list of goodies that she enjoys using. I had an opportunity to test out Angie's Tuut Baby Wipe Warmer over the weekend. IT IS PRETTY DARN COOL!!!!!

Next up! Bianca's list of favorites! Bianca has an 6 year old daughter and a 5 year old son.

1. Desitin
2. Sensitive Dreft
3. Huggies Diapers
4. Luvs diapers
5. Mustela ( foaming shampoo, body wash & lotion)
6. Eucerin ( for dry skin)
7. Baby Finger Toothbrush

Bianca's list is great as well. I learned something new, I never heard of Mustela that product is new to me. Also, the baby finger toothbrush is new to me as well. Thank you Bianca for sharing!

Lastly, here is my list
I have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter.

1. Sensitive Dreft
2. Dr. Brown Bottles
3. 3 stage bath tub ( newborn to 12 months)
4. Terry Cloth Baby Robe with matching slippers
5. Graco Baby Bouncer
6. Graco High Chair
7. Johnson & Johnson Baby bath products etc...
8. Cetaphil lotion and soap for sensitive skin
9. Pampers Diapers & wipes

There you have it! These were my favorite products to use with my babies. I really really enjoyed the Terry Cloth Baby Robe with matching slippers. It was so adorable!!!

Thank you mom's for sharing your favorite baby must haves.
Feel free to comment and share your favorite products to use for your little angel!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Life Is Worth Celebrating!

The difficult times has it's lessons that teach us strength and perseverance.
In the difficult times, I really feel like I am being stretched, tested and molded in the area of strength and perseverance.

The good times show me that grace, love and happiness is one of life's greatest resource. Laughter, joy and harmony can be found in our passions, family, friends and faith. Life is worth celebrating through it all.

I try not to let the difficult times be louder than my good times. I seek to achieve balance in my life, knowing that I can find power in both the obstacles and the victories. Last weekend was a true example of how I had to persevere. Regardless, of the health issues that I was going through I had to pull through and plan my son's 16th birthday party. As a result his party turned out to be amazing! by far the biggest party that I have ever had for my children. Perseverance paid off! Even when I don't feel strong, I always show up anyway. Life is worth celebrating!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Shine On Mama!!!!

Today like a lot of days I woke up tired.
Let's face it there aren't enough hours in the day to get things done.
Especially being a stay at home mom it's hard to separate myself from my work.
I basically live at my work place so I am always reminded of the work that I need to do.
Sometimes I am too tired to go out and do something for myself. Most times self-care for me is laying down in my pajamas and watching a movie or taking a nap. I try to go out when I am invited to events  to socialize and get away from the everyday pressures. We do the best that we can, shine on mama and do your thing!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

We've Got A Runner!!!!!

As parents we have experienced a lot of unpredictable things courtesy of our children.
Tantrums and outbursts in public places are one of them. I'll save tantrums and outbursts for another time I have plenty of those stories. 😃

Today, I am going to talk about that one child who is always running. I will affectionately call that child the "runner" I too have a "runner" In the toddler years whenever my son was in public he would run. His favorite place to test out the track was in a crowded store. Talk about the most awkward timing, he would do this while hysterically laughing. My son thought it was so funny that he was making me chase him around the store, I would yell STOP! but it would fall on deaf ears, I felt so embarrassed.
This was frustrating but one day his running SCARED the entire family.

We were enjoying a beautiful day in the park, my son was playing in the park going up and down the slide. My husband, my sister and I were sitting down watching my son play. Suddenly we noticed that he was not coming down the slide. We rushed over to see where he was, to our dismay we could not find him. We looked everywhere in that play ground and he was no where to be found. We started screaming his name and running all over the park. We ran to the open field and there we saw a little dot and all we could make out was the white numbers on the back of his football jersey. There he was on the opposite side of the park headed towards an exit. We ran as fast as we could and finally my husband caught him, my heart was in full panic mode the entire time. My husband had him by the hand, and as I approached him I noticed he was laughing loudly. This was no laughing matter!

It was time for a serious talk!
My husband and I talked to our son about safety and the appropriate time to run.
I wish I could say that was it, but no such luck. He kept on running while shopping in stores this behavior did not stop until we decided to set boundaries. Whenever he started to run while shopping we would remove him from the store and sit in the car. While in the car we let him know that if he continue to run, he will not go back in the store. Well, this too took a while, after a couple of occasions removing him from the store and sitting in the car he eventually got the message.