Monday, July 27, 2020

The Stork Is Coming!

Moms let's have a real talk!

What did you tell your child when he/she asked you "where do babies come from?" My kids were in their preteen years when I first got that question from them. I wasn't sure what to say at first, I was shocked to be getting this question so soon. I knew that this day was coming and I did not plan on what to say. 

The Stork Is Coming Or Not!? 

Many people tell their children that the stork brings the baby and deliver he/her to the parents. I on the other hand felt silly about saying  that a bird flew and deliver a baby like a package. I am totally not judging anyone who choose to teach their children about the stork, to each is own. If that works for you then two thumbs up for you, I am glad that you found what works for you. I on the other hand decided to take a different approach. When my kids popped the question I tried my best to answer with as little detail as possible. I was not ready to have "the birds and the bees" conversation yet and so I tip toe my way around it. Here is what I told my kids, I told them that babies are a blessing and they come from heaven. Furthermore, God put the baby in the the mommy's tummy. After I was done explaining where babies come from I waited for their reaction. I was relieved when they said "ok" just like that I was out of the hot seat. Thank God that there were no further questions because I had no follow up. The sex discussion I'll save for the next time, that was interesting to say the least.

I am interested to hear your stories about how you talk to your kids about where babies come from. Comment below and let me know your thoughts. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Mom Needs A Vacation From A Vacation.

Do you ever get restless on summer break, that you need a vacation from a vacation?
Especially in this pandemic!

I want to plan a vacation from this summer vacation, when this pandemic is over I will be on the first thing smoking out of New Jersey. This mom is going to need a vacation from these five plus months. 
I think that we are dreaming up plans for after the pandemic. I am dreaming of a tropical island, waves crashing on the beach and the smell of coconut and pineapples in the air. May we all make it to the other side of this pandemic to our dream vacation.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Mom Gone Stir-Crazy In Quarantine

Yes, I was going stir-crazy staying home everyday in the summer.
We have a pool and other entertainment, but just staying home and nothing else is starting to take a hold on me. I had to get out of the house more often, staying in the house is starting to affect my mental health.

Don't get me wrong! I enjoy relaxing at home, but sometimes I need to get out!

To get over my stir-craziness, my family and I decided to go to mall, we took our children to get some Ice cream. We took all the precautions to keep ourselves safe. We wore masks and sanitize our hands often. I have been trying to keep my family safe from this virus by staying home, however, I have to also remember to take care of my mental health.

It was great to get out and see other people and have a change of scenery. After, my children had Ice cream we did some shopping. Getting out and having a change in scenery is just what I needed. I have to plan more activities l include leaving the house. The world is scary, but I can't stay in a bubble forever. My mental health is just as important as my physical health. As long as I take precautions to keep my family safe that is the most important thing. Looking forward to what adventures the summer holds.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Expect The Unexpected Is The Definition Of Parenthood!


As you know you can't plan for everything in parenthood. Parenthood is filled with surprises and twist and turns. I had a day of rest planned, but an unexpected parenting duty came up. As parents were are always ready for the unexpected.

I'm sure you have also had your twist and turns as a parent as well. I think parents are always ready to change directions and change plans at the drop of a hat. We are great at showing up and getting the job done.

Wait a minute..... I am not saying parenting is easy!!!

Be it easy or  be it hard we always come through as parents.
When parenting expect the unexpected!!