Monday, November 30, 2020

I Am Being Transparent!

Like any mom out there, it is a lot going on. There are ups, downs and everything in between. I share a lot on my blogs about it all. Even though I am here to be transparent and open, some things are too fragile and delicate to share on my blog. At least for now, some things are too fresh and new to share at the current moment. You know what I am talking about! I am talking about those secret battles that very few people know about. I think we all have those secret battles as individuals and as parents. 

I too am no different. At times my peers can be of great help to me, and then there is a time where I have to call in for reinforcements. I am no stranger to therapy, I think it takes strength and courage to ask for help. A professional bring another view of the situation and can help with getting through those secret battles. There is no shame in my game! 😀 

This year has tested me in so many ways, actually the last two years if I am being honest. During these testing moments, I have also learned to speak up more and ask for help. I have always been the type to struggle alone, this proved to be a difficult road. In the last two years I have been speaking up and reaching out to professionals for help. I am learning that life is to be lived and self care is important to my well being and to my family's well being. Life is a journey and not a race or a competition. I am growing, learning and progressing. 

I must also mention that I have had a lot of blessings this year also. That lead me to the thought that life is colorful, filled with happiness, success, failure and loss. However, all of it makes me who I am. I learn from it all, there is no need for me to give into "dooms day thoughts". Just because something isn't alright today, does not mean it will be that way forever. Life is unpredictable, but I am counting it all joy. If It's not alright today, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. If you are not alright today, it does not mean that things will always be like this. Wishing you good health and happiness and a great day. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

What Is Your Favorite Thanksgiving Memory With Your Family

 It's that time of the year again. It's Thanksgiving, however it's unlike any other Thanksgiving. It's quarantine Thanksgiving. This year the large gatherings are forbidden, for the obvious reasons. COVID 19 is still among us and we have to stay safe. Safety is the name of the game this year. I will be inside with my family just the four of us, plus our cute little dog PopKorn. We will be a party of 5 this Thanksgiving. 

Now That I shared what I am going to be doing this Thanksgiving, I want to talk about my favorite thanksgiving memory. I have many great Thanksgiving memories, but their is one that stands out most in my mind. My favorite Thanksgiving memory was when my children were 3 and 4 years old. My son and daughter made turkeys out of construction paper and paper plates. It was an awesome time. They took their time to create something special for Thanksgiving. They were happy and giddy, they enjoyed every moment of creating those special turkeys. It was awesome as a mom so see them smile and proud of themselves for the creation that they had made. I was happy that they were happy. 

What's your favorite Thanksgiving Memory? 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, may the memories of this Thanksgiving be joyous for you and yours. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

There Is No Perfection In Parenthood

 Parenting is definitely not perfect, I don't know about you but that has been the case for me. Parenting has taught me to aspect the unexpected. Even when I thought that I was prepared, I found out that I was not at all prepared. Everything is always good in theory, but when it actually happens I find that emotions kick in. Things will not always be sunshine and rainbows in parenting, but the love and compassion that I have for my children is what drives me to do the bet that I can. I don't always have the perfect answers or solution to everything, but I think that's what makes life interesting. As my children are learning and growing I am also learning and growing as a parent. Even if I have done this parenting thing before every child is different. In parenting, I am truly learning as I go. Whether things are going good or going south, it is all a learning process. Some situations are easier or harder than others in the world of parenting that is for sure. Also, I must say that my faith is what give me the strength to persevere through it all. Parenting really has tested my grit and also build my grit strength. There is no perfection in parenting, I release myself from the pressure of being perfect. Perfection is unachievable and I will never be able to obtain it. I am just seeking to give love and support and work through life's difficulties. The good times and the difficult times each has it's lessons, I am taking it in and learning from it all. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Mommy In Need Of Fresh Air


The sunshine makes me feel good!

I don't know about you but, I need some fresh air after being in the house all day. Working virtually and monitoring my children with their remote learning is a handful. Lately, I look forward to being outside of the house. I can't wait to actually go on a vacation, it's going to be a thrill to actually plan a vacation. For now, I am trying to be consistent to getting fresh air with my family. Even if it's just going to the store or the park I am all about it. Soon it will get colder as winter approaches, I will have to think of some activities to do in the winter. Fresh air is very important for me especially in this quarantine and pandemic. It's something about fresh air that makes me feel alive and refreshed. 

I am taking it one day at a time, I will figure out what winter activities as I go along. What are some winter activities, that you are looking forward to? 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Mom's Today I just Want To Remind You To Smile


This job is hard, not to mention parenting in a global pandemic. I just want to remind you to smile today. No matter the obstacles know that you are doing the best that you can.
