Monday, March 29, 2021

What Are You Looking Forward To This Spring


It's been a long winter, I am so glad that the snow is gone and the sun is shinning. The cool breeze is blowing and I am looking forward to going on walks with my family. We are park people, there is nothing like the wind blowing, birds chirping and breathing in fresh air. My family and I are especially looking for to visiting the cherry blossom tree center. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful this time a year. People come from all over to attend the cherry blossom festival in our town. It's something refreshing about being around trees, I can't explain it. The crisp air the, the breeze and the smell, it is breath taking. After being cooped up in the house, more than usual because of the pandemic, we are looking forward to being out and enjoying the weather. 

What are your plans for the spring?

Leave a comment to share your spring plans. 

Monday, March 15, 2021


Spring is coming and I can't wait to do some spring cleaning. Getting rid of the clutter makes the air feel lighter. Finally, I can breathe! Clutter around my house makes my mind feel cluttered. I am a visual person and I just hate a lot of stuff everywhere. My children also have old toys that is just taking up space and causing clutter. My son has a huge toy box with toys from his childhood. Wish me luck as I try to pry those old toys away from him. I am spring cleaning my entire house, Hopefully it goes well. Out with the old and in with the new. I believe in getting rid of useless stuff, so that I can make room for new stuff. I like a minimalist lifestyle, it's quality that matters to me not quantity. I like the air to be light and space to move around. This is my ideal way of living. Happy spring cleaning to everyone, please share your spring cleaning journey in the comments.

Monday, March 8, 2021


Motherhood has test me and stretched me at every level. From the pregnancy phase to the child birth, and then to the actual raising of my children. Motherhood and parenthood has taught me perseverance and it has also taught me patience. I am sure that you wonderful parents can relate to the patience part. These precious little ones can sure test my patience at times, but the difficult times have taught me to be compassionate and understaning. I love these little humans of mine, so whether things are going go or not so good, there is no walking away. I have to dig down deep and exercise perseverance through it all. I have also stepped outside of my comfort zone because I am a mother. I have to advocate for my children in every way, so I had to use strength muscles that I never knew I had. Motherhood has stretched me in many ways and my life is the better because of it. How has motherhood/parenthood helped you grow as a individual?

Monday, March 1, 2021


This is an easy answer for me, I absolutely hate washing dishes. If I never see another dish, I would be happy! I have been washing dishes all of my life.Being the oldest of four girls growing up, I was always resposibile for washing the dishes. There was always a mountain of dishes in the sink,and it did not matter who used the dishes, I was ultimately responsible for washing them. I also had to make sure that the house was clean. As I transitioned into being married and becoming a house wife there is no surprise here, I am also responsible for the dishes. It seems like I can't escape washing the dishes, I currently do not have a dish washer so you already know how that goes. Even when I had a dish washer, I would end up washing everything by hand because it still wasn't clean enough. My daughter wash the dishes on the weekends, so that gives me a little break. Although, sometimes I end up helping her. The second chore that is an annoyance to me is Laundry, although I must say that my husband has been assisting me with the laundry since quarantine. Before quarantine, I wash and fold clothes at least 3 times a week to keep up with the school uniforms. Now during quaratine, my husband wash the clothes once a week on the weekends,and I fold the clothes. I wash the bathroon rugs, blankets and kitchen towels. We choose to work together on that, because my entire life was becoming about laundry. I am happy to have some help on that. So there you have it! My top two dreaded chores. LOL! Do you have a chore that you hate? Please feel free to share your opinions.