Monday, August 31, 2020

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

 The title is a dead give away about what I will be talking about today. It is a very common saying, that it takes a village to raise a child. This statement is very true! Although, we may feel like we are alone sometimes as parents, the truth is that we are not alone and there are people that can help. 

Our Village

In my village are my husband and I, My mother and father in-law and my mother. My mother and father in-law are grandparents, by the have also been like a second set of parents for my children. If my children were not with us they were always with my in-laws; their home was my children's second home. Off course as their grandparents they spoil them as grandparents do. That is totally fine with me, my in-laws also have our backs when it comes to the plans and expectations that we have for our children. My mom, is also a source of support for our children, she enjoys spoiling them. Her main goal as a grandmother is to spoil them with whatever they want, that gives her joy and so that is what she does. My kids are very shy in asking her for things, but she is always encouraging them to ask her for what they want. Grandparents are for sleepovers, fun and everything in between. There are also other people in our village like aunts, uncles that may also influence our children's life. It's important for us that our children have positive influences that will help them learn and grow.

Village Professionals

Our village have professionals that help us care for our children to make sure that they are healthy. We  have teachers, pediatrician, dentist, therapist, support groups and clergy in our village. These professionals are there to assist us with the needs of our children. Even though, as parents we are alone in the day to day tasks, we are not truly alone when we look at the big picture. There is help we just have to ask for help when we need it. 

Thank you to our village that help us on a daily basis! 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Parenthood Is An Honorable Path

 Parenthood is not an easy path but it is an honorable path. Choosing to have sole responsibility for little human beings is honorable and selfless.

Running The Race Of Perseverance

Perseverance has always been key for me, because every phase of parenting has challenged me in some way. I feel like I am constantly being stretched like a rubber band in many different directions. Yes, sometimes I feel like that rubber band that is about to pop under pressure. 😃 I am not going to pretend like everything is easy and organized at all times. When I started this blog I wanted to talk about my true experiences as a parent, you definitely will not get sugarcoating from me. There has been a lot of crying in my not so good moments of parenting, and a lot of praying to get my through the rough times. I am running the race of perseverance daily as a parent.

Embracing The Good And Bad Times

As a parent I have learned to embrace the good times and capture the memories that are special with my children. My children and I have done so many great things together, we have tons of memories and bonding time. The wonderful times we spent together as a family is something that we can all look back on one day. When my children are older they I know that they will appreciate those moments even more. Memories are forever! 

Confession: In the early year struggled with depression and so although I was present with my children, I did not enjoy motherhood as much as I could have. My children were my motivation to seek help for my depression, once I started to heal I was able to truly enjoy special moments with my children. My children were not old enough to witness me struggling from depression. I am thankful that I was able to recover while my kids were so young, it would have broken my heart to have them see me like that. 

That was one example of the bad times, there are also plenty of other parenting moments that are not so great. However, the lessons that I've learned from the tough times have been valuable. The rough times really taught me to stretch my thinking outside of the lines, and it taught me to have compassion for myself and my family. Most of all the lessons have all taught me perseverance. I can't give up no matter what the situation, I must have hope and keep moving forward. 

🏆🏆🏆Parenthood The Honorable Path🏆🏆🏆

Parenthood is an honorable path, congratulations to all who have chosen to walk this path. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

This Self Care Stuff Is Hard!

 I know That I should be consistent with making time time for myself. However, it is hard to find time as a mom and a wife and let's add being in a global pandemic to that. Also, being hard on myself about not having time for self care is also not helping. I can't wait until this pandemic is over so that I can go back to my gym. I valued and enjoyed that time alone. 

However, one thing that does make me happy is taking selfie pictures. As simple as that is, I get a kick out of it. Whatever gives me joy I will enjoy that until I find another outlet. It's the small things that matter and so I'll just take baby steps. 

I forgot to mention that there was a time in my life, that I did not take pictures. I didn't feel happy or confident enough to take pictures in my early years of motherhood. Taking pictures is a big deal for me, it's very ironic that now I enjoy taking selfies.

This Is Me Enjoying A Selfie Moment!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Back To School Or Not?


It's August and decisions about whether school will be in person or virtual is in the works. My family and I are still in the swing of summer but we are bombarded by phone calls and emails regarding school. Our school district in New Jersey has given us the choice to send our kids to in person school or attend virtual school. Only 10 students will be in each classroom, therefore majority of the students will attended virtual school. Both of my children are in two different transitions of life. My daughter is starting high school for the first time, and my son will be in his junior year of high school. These years are very important, not to mention that children need socialization, peer interaction is very important. A lack of socialization is also a threat to mental health. It has been a difficult and agonizing decision for me, I felt like I have been beating myself up about this decision.

This Decision Has Been Stressful! 😵😵😵

Ultimately, I made the decision to have my children attend virtual school. I don't feel like it will be safe for my children to attend in person school. There are too many unknown variables with in person school. On the other hand there are also many unknowns about virtual school. I hope that the quality of education with virtual school will be also be a fulfilling experience for my children. I have faith that I made the right decision. 

Parents We Are In This Together!

This global pandemic has completely turn everything upside down. I hope that children and parents across our nation and around the globe have the support that they need. We are all in this together, whatever decision you make for your child have faith that you are making the right decision. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Bonding Time!

Bonding time with my children is very important to me. Life is busy and hectic at times but I try to spend as much time as I can with my children. I spend time with them both together and time with them both separately. We are park people and so we enjoy walking in the park together and sometimes get ice cream afterwards. I also enjoy going to the hair salon with my daughter and going to the nail salon to get our nails done. My daughter and I also love to get sushi together. My daughter is totally responsible for turning me on to sushi, it's not something that I would have gotten on my own. I have also gone out on dates with my son, he enjoys trying different restaurants. He also enjoys going to the video game store. With that being said I would like to do these activities with them more. The current pandemic has put a damper on a lot of things, but I am determined to make the best of our time together. I have a few activities planned to get in more bonding time. I am looking forward to more fun times and great memories with my children.