Monday, April 26, 2021

Jump In The Life Raft First

 mommies there is no ending to the mommy duties. I have a chapter in my book entitled "Jump In The Life Raft First" 

Yes! Jump in the life raft first is exactly as it sounds. We cannot save anyone unless we save ourselves first. it is great that we have so much passion for our families, but we don't have to do it while neglecting ourselves.

Jumping in the life raft first is necessary for health and wellness. When mom is healthy and happy the whole family benefits from it. 

On a personal note, I plan on jumping in the life raft first, because I am worth it and my whole family is worth it. Taking care of myself is also taking care of my family. Being intentional with self care is not easy while juggling a busy schedule, but I find the time for self care no matter how small the time is. It's all about being intentional. 

 I hope that you find time to be intentional with yourself. 


Monday, April 19, 2021

Why Mom On A Life Raft!?

 Hello Moms,

So I am excited to put pen to paper. 

It's no secret that I like to write, as I encounter new experiences and go through a new phase of life writing is the tool I use to process it all. Motherhood is apart of my journey and so I decided to write my way through the ups, downs and the lessons of motherhood. This is how my new book was born.


The original title of my book was "Super Mom" 

While I was writing the book I realized that, I did not want to give the illusion that motherhood was perfect. My motherhood journey has been imperfect, and filled with lessons along the way. I wanted to paint the accurate picture of what my motherhood journey has been. Their is a chapter in my book titled: Jump on the life raft first. This has been the theme of my motherhood journey, learning to balance it all while striving to achieve self-care. Most days I was trying to hang on to the life raft to try and make it through. This is how Mom on a life raft was born. I was very revealing and vulnerable in sharing my journey, every mom have their own special journey. I am happy to be able to share the adventures of my journey. 

I speak about my quest to balance motherhood while maintaining self identity. I also talk about the struggles with being a newlywed and a new mom at the same time. I talk about everything! The good, the bad, the lessons and where I am now. 

Available On Amazon  
Available on amazon

Monday, April 12, 2021

Is This Pandemic Over yet? Is Equivalent To Are We There Yet!

 I did not see this coming, I didn't know that the pandemic would last this long. It has been a crazy ride, I feel for my children because they have missed so much. It's been over a year now since this pandemic has been raging war on the global community. My children are tired of it and so am I. We have missed so much but in the midst of it all we are still experiencing blessings. We have definitely been experiencing blessings despite the hardships of the pandemic. My emotions have been up and down, having our regular routines disrupted and then watching so many lives been lost to Covid-19 it has been hard. 

I like many, thought that this pandemic would have been gone by Mother's Day of  2020. I held out hope like many others that we would get the all clear to resume our regular lives. No such luck here we are about to approach Mother's Day of 2021 and the pandemic is still here to stay. I never thought that I would be so sick of being at home 24/7. I love my home and I am thankful for it but, some fresh air and a change of scenery is always a good escape from the home.

Recently my husband and I took our children on their first plan ride. It was also my husband's first time flying. It was a welcome distraction from quarantine and virtual working life. It was just what the doctor ordered, we needed excitement and adventure. We enjoyed the Florida sun for a little while and then  returned to our home. It is great to get out and see different things and it's also a blessings to return to our home safely. As long as we are being safe when we do things, that is all that matters. 

This pandemic have me asking "Are we there yet?" just like a child would on a road trip. This pandemic has been some road trip, I am sure that you all can relate to that. I am hanging in there and I am sure that you are too. I am going to try my best to continue to have gratitude and keep things moving in a positive direction. I am sure that we are all tired of the pandemic and are counting the days of when we will be free from this virus. Until then I will continue to seek moments of adventure and excitement with my family. This too shall pass, let's keep hope alive. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Moms It's Not Too Late To Ignite Your Passion

So you may have been a stay at home mom for years, or you may be a working mom doing a job that you don't like. Whatever the situation is, it is never too late to ignite your passion and live your dreams.

It's NOT over for you!!!

Mommies, whatever you are passionate about go for it. It's never too late and you are never too old to do what you are passionate about. There is no time limit or age limit that can stop you from accomplishing your dreams. Keep your dreams alive and keep on trucking! 

Who's with me!!!

Live your best life mommies, I am rooting for you!

Let's Go!!!