Monday, May 25, 2020

What Plans Are You Cooking Up, On Your First Quarantine Memorial Day?

Usually we are all scattered about with our different plans for Memorial Day. This Memorial Day however we are all in the same boat together. We will all probably be at home spending a intimate and low key Memorial Day. Whatever your plans are, I am sure it will be a wonderful day spent with family and friends. I am thankful for life and family on this quarantine Memorial Day.

I will spend my Memorial Day in my backyard with my family. It's all about loving and honoring each other. I hope your quarantine Memorial Day is a great one!!!

Monday, May 18, 2020

This Is What I Am Looking Forward To This Summer

It seems like this quarantine just won't end! 😓

I won't let quarantine drown out the summer, my family and I need fresh air and exercise.
Fresh air and exercise is good for the body and mind.
My husband and I have been doing a major overhaul of our yard. 
We are not thinking about vacationing this year, we are bringing the vacation to our backyard.
We are creating a relaxing hideaway where we can feel refreshed and rejuvenated. 
Parks are also safe as long as we are social distancing and wearing masks when needed. 

I plan on having good quality time with my family this summer.
grilling, outdoor games and relaxation. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

How Are You Holding Up In Extended Quarantine!?

Yes! Our Governor really declared extended quarantine in New Jersey.
We are going to be in the house until June 5, 2020
These days home schooling, cooking and cleaning are my days.

And yes, my mom hair bun is getting bigger as the days go by. 😁

This is what I keep reminding myself, I am trying to keep up doing healthy activities in quarantine.
It is not easy to stay focus, because I am constantly reminded by the sadness of this pandemic. However, my children keep me busy and they are my motivation to stay healthy and calm in this sad situation. There are a few people in my church community that have passed away due to COVID-19. It is sad and heart breaking. My heart goes out to everyone that has a loved one who passed away and those that are going through this illness. We are all experiencing a collective traumatic experience, we are in this together and we will make it through together. I am doing my part by staying home and caring for my family. I check on my extended family and I send positive and post encourage messages through my social media. I also stay connected to my church community through social media. We are all doing what we can to make it through this healthy and strong.

I've always practiced hand washing and sanitizing, but now it is even more. I am sanitizing my house and everything that comes in my house. It's a lot of work but I rather be safe than sorry.

Monday, May 4, 2020

School Is Closed For The Rest Of The Year, Now What!? #Quarantine

Well mommies, we made it this far!

Give yourselves a pat on the back because 2020 hasn't been so easy.👏👏👏👏

I want to start off by saying congratulations to parents who have children graduating high school, Congratulations Class of 2020!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Many of you might be facing the same reality that I am, school doors are closed and virtual learning continues. Your child may be a senior faced with the reality that prom and graduation are also cancelled this year. It is a hard time for parents and students everywhere and I feel your pain. The upside is that us precious children are safe and healthy and that is the most important thing. 

Are My Children Alright?

I am trying to make sure that my children are alright with all the changes that has been happening. I want to be there for them as much as I can. The whole world has been dealing with uncertainty and being away from friends and family. It's been a lot to wrap my head around, I can just imagine how hard it might be for a child to process. I check in with my children on  a daily basis to make sure they are doing well. We try to keep the fun going so that we are not easily disturbed by all the sadness that is happening. I also, encourage my children to stay in contact with their friends. My children are reporting that they are doing alright, I am doing the best that I can  to support them and hoping for the best.

This year was suppose to be my daughter's 8th grade graduation, 8th grade dance, 8th grade trip and field day. All of that is up in the air at this point, we will be lucky if she even got a graduation this year. I feel a little guilty that she will miss out on some of these events. My son enjoyed his 8th grade activities 2 years ago at the same school, we wished the same thing for my daughter. My husband and I made a big deal about my son's 8th grade graduation and we planned on doing the same for my daughter. My daughter worked so hard, she spent so much time and energy on preparing for high school  entrance exams, interviews and auditions. She truly deserved to have the bells and whistles for her hard work. High school decisions were also deferred and so we are now playing the waiting game. Life has come to a halt, but I am hopeful and being positive that there will be a great outcome. 

Regardless, of the decisions about graduation, I will make my daughter's 8th grade year very special. I may have to get creative and do it at home but it will be special. Us moms we do the best we can with what we have, we are moms and we are resilient. 

Hang in there mommies, we are all in this together!!!