Moms, I am sure that many of you can relate to " mommy burn out"
This is something that I can relate to for sure!
Mommy burn out happens when we are not taking enough time for ourselves, we get so caught up in operating the "business" of being a mom, wife and many of us also work outside the home. It is easy to become tired and and burned out. Moms let's face it! We are over doers, we are always going above and beyond for our families even if it means over extending ourselves. We do it simply because we LOVE our families and we want to make them happy. We have the right motivation but perhaps we have the wrong tactics. We can't possibly give the best of ourselves if we are burned out. Sometimes we just need to sit down!!!!
There has to be a better way to get the job done while taking care of ourselves?
What if we took five mins to sit down and have a cup of coffee?
What if we sat down for a few minutes to read that book?
What if we took a walk?
What if we took a nap?
What if we took the night off to go out and hang with friends?
Taking care of ourselves does not mean that we are being selfish.
Ignore anyone that "mom shame" you for having fun, we are moms but we still have a pulse, we have a life to live. At the end of the day we have to be alright, so that we can be there for our families.
I too am still working on taking time for myself, I am trying to be intentional in taking time for myself. I am making baby steps but I will be where I want to be if I just keep at it.
Laugh, smile and do something nice for yourself. You deserve it!

Not a mom yet but I definitely see the benefits in taking time for yourself. I’m a firm believer that when you look good you feel good. So I will continue to take me time and get my nails and hair done. Me time is important
Mommina Angel,
That is so true! Everything you said was spot on, I have to get back to doing those things on a consistent basis. Self-care is a must!
Omg yes. The Burn out is real! Working full time outside of the home then double time at home. Sports, car pool friends home,dinner, dishes,homework,laundry, hair, grocery store runs, emotional support. ALL AT THE SAME DARN TIME!!!! By the time I make it to the nail salon, that feels like a chore as well, I can't wait til its over so I can lay in bed and stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep to wake up and do it all again. I've been paying my gym membership, telling myself, I'll go eventually if I keep paying. I know somehow it's possible, just hard to carve out that routine or the guilt of what I could be neglecting at home by taking an extra hour a day at the gym makes me come straight home. My worst fear is not being there whole heartedly 100% for my children. I never want to hear the words "Mom you didn't do enough, you weren't there, you didn't love us."
Anonymous, I hear you, it never feels like a good time to do something for ourselves, it seems that there is always endless chores to get done. Mom guilt is real too, when we finally take a moment for ourselves we feel guilty about it. I also agree that doing something for ourselves sometimes feel like yet another chore. It's hard to find that balance and routine, I have teenagers and still struggle with finding a routine. I am trying to be more intentional with my needs, as for guilt I fight that monster all the time to get out that door. You are a great mom because you are there 100% of the time, it is alright to take that 1% for ourselves. That gym time can be your gift to yourself. Life will always be demanding, but I guess that we have to trust that we are doing the best we can. Being there for our children also means taking care of ourselves, everyone benefits when mom is happy and well rested. Best Wishes!
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