The sunshine makes me feel good!
I don't know about you but, I need some fresh air after being in the house all day. Working virtually and monitoring my children with their remote learning is a handful. Lately, I look forward to being outside of the house. I can't wait to actually go on a vacation, it's going to be a thrill to actually plan a vacation. For now, I am trying to be consistent to getting fresh air with my family. Even if it's just going to the store or the park I am all about it. Soon it will get colder as winter approaches, I will have to think of some activities to do in the winter. Fresh air is very important for me especially in this quarantine and pandemic. It's something about fresh air that makes me feel alive and refreshed.
I am taking it one day at a time, I will figure out what winter activities as I go along. What are some winter activities, that you are looking forward to?
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