Monday, June 8, 2020

I Have Been Emotional Lately!

Parenting is a tough job and honestly sometimes we don't have all the answers to navigate through this process. The last couple of weeks has been very hard for me, because I had to come to the realization that I can't create a perfect circumstances for my children. I would like for everything to be perfectly laid out for them, but I am in a fight against the rest of the world. The recent developments of police brutality and the protests has created a big shift in the black community. This has been a trying time for me as a black woman and as a mother of black children.

I would like for my children to be safe and to feel same at all times. In raising black children in today's climate it makes me anxious and scared. It's heart wrenching that I have to sit them down and have difficult conversations about how the world  may view them, and even more heart wrenching that I have to tell them what not to do to appear threatening. Furthermore, I have to counsel them on how to keep themselves safe from racism when in public. This is a very difficult time for parents everywhere who are raising black children.

Feeling Powerless: A Mother's Cry

I am feeling powerless and scared but at the same time I know that I have to be strong. I feel powerless to the point of desperation, it makes my stomach tremble to think about another innocent black life being taken. That could be anyone's child, brother, sister, father or mother. Every time I turn on the television or log on to social media, I see yet another video of a black life being taken. The thought of someone hating another based on the color of their skin is just very unreasonable to me. "How could you hate me, when you don't even know me." I have been through every emotion in the last few weeks. I have been angry at the hate that I have experienced and seen. It has been sad to see how my black people have been treated. I have also been scared, especially for my black children. We are a black family and it scary to know that there isn't a place on this earth where we can go to escape racism. 

A Shift In Power

I have seen a lot of injustice in my lifetime, but I have also seen a lot of hope. People of all colors coming together to help end hate and injustice in our country. There is a shift happening and I have faith that I will live to see the end of racism on a global level. I want a world that my children and their future generations can live in peace and not live in fear. I am taking back my power by choosing to stand up for justice and promote love. I am raising my children to stand up for justice, and to love themselves and others. I am doing my part as a parent and as a citizen, if we all do our part we can make a difference. 

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