Monday, September 21, 2020

Moms Are You Looking Forward To The Holidays?

This holiday will not be like all other holidays, we have the big elephant in the room. That big elephant in the room is corona virus, this holiday will not be business as usual because of safety concerns. Not to mention the families who have lost their loved ones this year, this will be their first holiday without their loved ones. Some of us either lost a loved one this year or we know someone that lost a loved one, to corona virus or other illness. In just 5 short months it will be a year since corona virus has been among us here in the United States. This holiday will be a little different for sure, but I believe that we can all persevere and get through this. 

I am very cautious this holiday season, I am still undecided about my holiday plans. I am thinking about just staying home with my immediate family or maybe inviting a few close family over for the holidays. I am waiting to see how the corona virus develops this winter. I want to be safe at the same time I don't want the seriousness of what is going on to take away the joy of the holidays.

Whatever I end up doing this holiday, I plan on being safe and having a great time. Wishing you and your family the best for this holiday season.  

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