Monday, October 19, 2020

Mommy What Do You Do All Day? No Mom Want To Hear This Question.

 It's interesting to know that most children cannot describe what their mom does all day. Recently, this came up in a discussion at home. My husband suggested that we all (entire family) switch roles and role play. Then on of my children jokingly said " what does mommy do all day" πŸ˜‘

Really, you want to know what I do, you couldn't handle what I do on a daily basis. I can hardly handle it myself at times. On top of all the chores and dealing with children school stuff, I have to be therapist dealing with everyone's feelings and emotions. Not to mention be a personal driver for my kids. Then I have deal with married life stuff, then if I am lucky if I have sometime for myself. I am always giving myself the left overs, of time and energy after giving to my family. What does mom do all day? The answer to your question is everything! I do not have a one track mind, I dabble in everything. 

The quickest way for everyone to find out what I do is if I stop doing it. Then you will clearly see what mom does all day. This is how I am feeling today 😁

Anyway, life goes on and on. Hang in there to all the moms who are doing their best with what they have. This Pandemic has caused moms to work double time, hang in there it gets better. 

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