Monday, October 25, 2021

I Am Done Beating Myself Up

 Yes, Mommies!

I have been way too hard on myself in the role mom. I am done beating up on myself because honestly it makes the journey much more difficult than it needs to be. Life gets hard, but I am doing the best that I can and that is all that I can do. I know in my heart that I am doing the best that I can and that is all that I can do. I am learning that I cannot solve every problem and I don't have all the answers. I can do what I can and ask for help with other things and somethings will have to work themselves out. I stand in the power of being alright with not having it all figure out. 

I deserve happiness and I am done beating myself up, point blank and period. I am putting an end to beating myself up. I am practicing being kind to myself.  All may not be perfect in my world but my world will keep on turning. Wishing you peace and happiness along your journey, may your world flourish.

Monday, October 18, 2021

My Life Is Flashing Before My Eyes

 Lately, I can't help but feel like I am old because time is just flying by so fast. As I watch my children grow and  accomplish so many milestones it feels surreal. My first born will be 18 years old soon and my second child will be 16 years old. I can't help but to think how fast the years are going by. I feel like my life is flashing before my eyes. On the other hand I can't help but to feel proud, one decision after another for the last 18 years has brought me to this place. That is something to be proud of.

Life is far from perfect but it is a blessing. My children are a blessing to my life, I Have grown as a person because of them. Through the many twists and turns of life, I have gained so much from the experience of being a mom. I have learned from the difficult times and I am better because of it. I will continue to learn as my children transition into adulthood. As time progress I appreciate everything both the difficult and the good situations. All of this has brought me to this place that I am in my life. The place that I am in is a state of reflective joy. I feel joy when I think about my journey as a mother. This joy that I feel is the sum total of laughter, tears, prayers and smiles. Time does not stand still, but I am soak in every moment.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Learning And Growing With Teenagers

Everyday is a learning experience with teenagers and the years seem to be flying by so fast. I am preparing my children for adulthood, but at the same time I want to hold on to their child like spirits and spend time with them making more memories. I don't want them to be in a rush to grow up, at the same time I have to prepare them for the future. It is a complicated situation, I am learning how to keep things balanced. 

Keeping It Balanced

I enjoy sharing special moments with my teenagers, the fun and laughter is like none other. As my children gets older I am understanding the importance of taking time to smell the roses together. These days are precious and I don't want it to slip by. Although there is an urgency to make plans for the future, that cannot be over shadowed by the present. Everything has it's time and place, I trust that we are always at the right place at the right time. We are moving from grace to grace and I trust in the process.