Monday, December 16, 2019

Our Unintentional Tradition Became A Intentional Tradition

  Family Traditions!

Some years ago, an unintentional tradition was born in our family.
Everyone knows that nationally in the United States that the day after Thanksgiving is "Black Friday"
This is the day the retail store start the Christmas season with a big bang!
Some have big sales and bargains, luring thousands of customers to come out and spend their money.
It is a very exciting time for many customers to get the bargain that they want.
Who doesn't like a bargain! Everyone enjoy saving money.

However, for my family on " Black Friday" we like to sleep in and wake up around noon.
We eat left overs for breakfast, after our tummies are satisfied then we lounge around for 30 mins to an hour. After we have rested from our meal, we put on Christmas music and unpack the Christmas tree and decorations. My children and I set up our tree and decorate it. together. This routine is something that stuck with us and we soon realized that we unintentionally started a tradition. Now, this has become our "Black Friday" tradition.

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