Monday, March 30, 2020

Surviving #Stayhome And Social Distancing Culture

I for one never saw this coming, I don't think anyone saw this coming. This tragic virus that has been attacking our communities have thrown us for a loop. We went from a busy fast pace society to shut downs, mandatory stay at home laws and keeping 6 ft social distance between each other. Most of us are also home school teachers for the first time as schools are shut down. Food is flying off the shelves in the grocery stores and what's up with everyone stock piling toilet paper!? The stock piling of groceries has been super annoying, but we are all making it through. I try to get groceries delivered when I can to avoid going out, and then frantically sanitizing the packages. I have been obsessively  sanitizing everything, and washing my hands countless times. My hands are dry and ashy at this point but I would rather be safe than sorry. One of the hardest things has been to keep my children on task with there school work. Let's face it! Children will test the boundary, they may feel like they are on a long spring break. Also, getting enough exercise that is a new challenge staying inside. Although my kids and I are inside I have a spouse that is a essential worker. Having a spouse who has to work in this atmosphere is also a new experience. The 6 feet in social distance from another person has been awkward for many. This is a time when we second guess being around everyone even family. There are new challenges with the stay at home culture but there are also a lot of pros to being home.

Safety and Family Time!
I get it!
Safety is the most important thing despite the challenges of living in #stayhome culture. We are all safe and healthy and that is the most important thing. Spending time with my family has been a thrill, there is nothing like spending quality time with the people I love. We made smoothies, played board games, watched movies, cook meals together and walk our dog. We are making the moments count and staying positive in this new culture.


Monday, March 23, 2020

My Calm place!

Having a calm place is great to decompress from the business of life.
Our calm place may be different.
Besides writing I enjoy aromatherapy.

It is very soothing to lay down, relax and enjoy some aromatherapy.
Candles and oil diffusers are my favorite. There are so many different scents to chose from, I am like a kid in a candy store. Peppermint! Strawberry! Cherry blossom!  Oh My... I am in heaven!

Breathing exercises are also calming, breathing exercises are very under rated but are very helpful beneficial to mental health. When I am focused on just breathing nothing else matters.
As a busy mom it's great just to steal a few minutes for myself.

                 Take A Deep Breathe!             Breathe In!                  Breathe Out! 

Find Your Calm Place!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Moms are teachers, therapists, housekeepers, care takers, chauffeurs, advocates and so much more

Moms are the only people I know that wear so many hats.
We counsel our children, we feed them, we bathe them, and we take them where ever they need to go.
Most of all mom's are advocates for their children.
Moms are the strongest force in their children's life.
Moms get the job done, the ability to multitask in the midst of chaos is something to behold.

I dare someone to tell a stay at home mom that she does not have enough work experience.
Moms hold many positions without having a degree for it.
We are creative and innovative, we work under enormous pressure day in and day out.
We take very few breaks and we are always ready to go! go! go!

Moms are dependable and trustworthy.
We desire the very best for our children.
Our children look to us for love and security.
We may not get a thank you everyday but beneath it all, I believe that our children appreciate us.

Whenever I meet someone for the first time they always ask what do you do?
I think it is the most annoying question ever, they ask this as if my job title will tell them all they need to know about me. I use to respond by saying "I am just a mom" I said this as though I was apologizing for being uninteresting or unaccomplished. That dreaded question took a hold of me over the years and I've avoided a lot of social situations because I was afraid of being asked what do you do?
If you are doing a job that does not generate any Income people sometimes make you feel like you're unaccomplished. I chose this life and I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel like I am not good enough or unworthy. To heck with their metric system, my purpose is to raise my children.

I am NOT just a mom!
I will no longer answer by saying I am just a mom, no apologizing and no shame.
I am proud to be a mom!
I am a mom of two beautiful children and that is how I will answer the next time someone want to ask me that annoying question.

It took me years to feel comfortable about what I do.

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Parenting Game

Parenting is anything but a game, it's a serious job however I chose to call this article The Parenting 
Game to make my point. One thing that I have learned as a parent is that I will forever be
transitioning and readjust to the next phase of parenting. First it was the newborn stage, bonding with
my baby and learning to be a mom for the first time. It's like you give birth and then they hand your
baby and send you home to figure things out for yourself. Secondly, there were the toddler years, I
went from having a newborn baby who barely move to having a toddler who gets in everything.  At
this stage Potty training gets very real and I am trying to keep up with a busy toddler.
before I knew it I had a child ready for kindergarten, going to school for the first time is an adventure
in itself.

The preteen years sneak up before I could blink my eyes, these are the years where they
question everything. Now here I am with two teenagers, who are really young adults. They are
changing, questioning, exploring and trying to figure it all out. Now I am trying to figure out how to
talk about sex with my children. Also, this is the time to talk about mental health matters with my
children.  I don't even want to think about having adult children, I am not ready for that yet.
However, I am sure that when that does happen I will be ready to make that transition. Children are
constantly evolving and so are parents.

The Evolution Of A Parent
From my experience as a parent, I find myself constantly having to readjust and transition into
the next phase of parenting as my children get older. It's like being in the same position at my job but
constantly having to change my approach to accommodate the constant and rapid changes that's
occurring. Parenting for me is an evolutionary process, I am taking it as it comes. I hope and pray that
I am getting it right. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mommy's Day Off

It is impossible to pour from an empty cup!

This simply mean that I cannot give to others if I have nothing to give from. I have to take care of myself first physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. When I am at my best I can in return give my best.

My husband and I took the day off on a Saturday to pamper ourselves as a couple. A couples pedicure was just what the doctor ordered.

We realized that we have to take care of ourselves and increase our date nights. After 17 years of marriage, it's easy to get caught up with the business of taking care of the family. Date nights should always be a priority, we vow to each other from now on to make date night a priority.