Monday, March 16, 2020

Moms are teachers, therapists, housekeepers, care takers, chauffeurs, advocates and so much more

Moms are the only people I know that wear so many hats.
We counsel our children, we feed them, we bathe them, and we take them where ever they need to go.
Most of all mom's are advocates for their children.
Moms are the strongest force in their children's life.
Moms get the job done, the ability to multitask in the midst of chaos is something to behold.

I dare someone to tell a stay at home mom that she does not have enough work experience.
Moms hold many positions without having a degree for it.
We are creative and innovative, we work under enormous pressure day in and day out.
We take very few breaks and we are always ready to go! go! go!

Moms are dependable and trustworthy.
We desire the very best for our children.
Our children look to us for love and security.
We may not get a thank you everyday but beneath it all, I believe that our children appreciate us.

Whenever I meet someone for the first time they always ask what do you do?
I think it is the most annoying question ever, they ask this as if my job title will tell them all they need to know about me. I use to respond by saying "I am just a mom" I said this as though I was apologizing for being uninteresting or unaccomplished. That dreaded question took a hold of me over the years and I've avoided a lot of social situations because I was afraid of being asked what do you do?
If you are doing a job that does not generate any Income people sometimes make you feel like you're unaccomplished. I chose this life and I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel like I am not good enough or unworthy. To heck with their metric system, my purpose is to raise my children.

I am NOT just a mom!
I will no longer answer by saying I am just a mom, no apologizing and no shame.
I am proud to be a mom!
I am a mom of two beautiful children and that is how I will answer the next time someone want to ask me that annoying question.

It took me years to feel comfortable about what I do.

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