Parenting is anything but a game, it's a serious job however I chose to call this article The Parenting
Game to make my point. One thing that I have learned as a parent is that I will forever be
transitioning and readjust to the next phase of parenting. First it was the newborn stage, bonding with
my baby and learning to be a mom for the first time. It's like you give birth and then they hand your
baby and send you home to figure things out for yourself. Secondly, there were the toddler years, I
went from having a newborn baby who barely move to having a toddler who gets in everything. At
this stage Potty training gets very real and I am trying to keep up with a busy toddler.
before I knew it I had a child ready for kindergarten, going to school for the first time is an adventure
in itself.
The preteen years sneak up before I could blink my eyes, these are the years where they
question everything. Now here I am with two teenagers, who are really young adults. They are
changing, questioning, exploring and trying to figure it all out. Now I am trying to figure out how to
talk about sex with my children. Also, this is the time to talk about mental health matters with my
children. I don't even want to think about having adult children, I am not ready for that yet.
However, I am sure that when that does happen I will be ready to make that transition. Children are
constantly evolving and so are parents.
The Evolution Of A Parent
From my experience as a parent, I find myself constantly having to readjust and transition into
the next phase of parenting as my children get older. It's like being in the same position at my job but
constantly having to change my approach to accommodate the constant and rapid changes that's
occurring. Parenting for me is an evolutionary process, I am taking it as it comes. I hope and pray that
I am getting it right.
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