The title is a dead give away about what I will be talking about today. It is a very common saying, that it takes a village to raise a child. This statement is very true! Although, we may feel like we are alone sometimes as parents, the truth is that we are not alone and there are people that can help.
Our Village
In my village are my husband and I, My mother and father in-law and my mother. My mother and father in-law are grandparents, by the have also been like a second set of parents for my children. If my children were not with us they were always with my in-laws; their home was my children's second home. Off course as their grandparents they spoil them as grandparents do. That is totally fine with me, my in-laws also have our backs when it comes to the plans and expectations that we have for our children. My mom, is also a source of support for our children, she enjoys spoiling them. Her main goal as a grandmother is to spoil them with whatever they want, that gives her joy and so that is what she does. My kids are very shy in asking her for things, but she is always encouraging them to ask her for what they want. Grandparents are for sleepovers, fun and everything in between. There are also other people in our village like aunts, uncles that may also influence our children's life. It's important for us that our children have positive influences that will help them learn and grow.
Village Professionals
Our village have professionals that help us care for our children to make sure that they are healthy. We have teachers, pediatrician, dentist, therapist, support groups and clergy in our village. These professionals are there to assist us with the needs of our children. Even though, as parents we are alone in the day to day tasks, we are not truly alone when we look at the big picture. There is help we just have to ask for help when we need it.
Thank you to our village that help us on a daily basis!