Monday, August 17, 2020

This Self Care Stuff Is Hard!

 I know That I should be consistent with making time time for myself. However, it is hard to find time as a mom and a wife and let's add being in a global pandemic to that. Also, being hard on myself about not having time for self care is also not helping. I can't wait until this pandemic is over so that I can go back to my gym. I valued and enjoyed that time alone. 

However, one thing that does make me happy is taking selfie pictures. As simple as that is, I get a kick out of it. Whatever gives me joy I will enjoy that until I find another outlet. It's the small things that matter and so I'll just take baby steps. 

I forgot to mention that there was a time in my life, that I did not take pictures. I didn't feel happy or confident enough to take pictures in my early years of motherhood. Taking pictures is a big deal for me, it's very ironic that now I enjoy taking selfies.

This Is Me Enjoying A Selfie Moment!

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