Monday, March 15, 2021


Spring is coming and I can't wait to do some spring cleaning. Getting rid of the clutter makes the air feel lighter. Finally, I can breathe! Clutter around my house makes my mind feel cluttered. I am a visual person and I just hate a lot of stuff everywhere. My children also have old toys that is just taking up space and causing clutter. My son has a huge toy box with toys from his childhood. Wish me luck as I try to pry those old toys away from him. I am spring cleaning my entire house, Hopefully it goes well. Out with the old and in with the new. I believe in getting rid of useless stuff, so that I can make room for new stuff. I like a minimalist lifestyle, it's quality that matters to me not quantity. I like the air to be light and space to move around. This is my ideal way of living. Happy spring cleaning to everyone, please share your spring cleaning journey in the comments.

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