Monday, March 8, 2021


Motherhood has test me and stretched me at every level. From the pregnancy phase to the child birth, and then to the actual raising of my children. Motherhood and parenthood has taught me perseverance and it has also taught me patience. I am sure that you wonderful parents can relate to the patience part. These precious little ones can sure test my patience at times, but the difficult times have taught me to be compassionate and understaning. I love these little humans of mine, so whether things are going go or not so good, there is no walking away. I have to dig down deep and exercise perseverance through it all. I have also stepped outside of my comfort zone because I am a mother. I have to advocate for my children in every way, so I had to use strength muscles that I never knew I had. Motherhood has stretched me in many ways and my life is the better because of it. How has motherhood/parenthood helped you grow as a individual?

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