Monday, August 9, 2021

When Are You Going To Have More Children? Why Do People Ask This Question!?

 I am 42 years old and I still run into people that ask me that question. Why do people ask this question and why do they think that it's appropriate to ask that question. I have two children who are now teenagers and I am happy and fulfilled with my two children. I have no desire to have more children, I don't believe it's the number of children that I have that matters, but it's the quality of life that I can give to my children that matter. It's up to everyone to decide what's best for themselves. We are all different, some individuals may desire to have a big family and that is all good. However, some of us are content with the number of children that we have already. 

I wish people would resist the urge to put time limits and expectations on others. As long as a couple is in agreement with their family planning, no one else should have a say otherwise. There is enough pressure in life and it doesn't help when people are constantly forcing their thoughts and opinions in the mix. I know my life better than anyone else, I know what is best for me. In all of my years I have never thought to ask anyone that question, because frankly it's none of my business. Family planning is personal and private and it should remain that way, unless an individual  wants to volunteer that information. This is my take on the subject. 

Have you ever been asked this question? If so, what do you think about it? Let's discuss it in the comment section. 

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