Motherhood is hard, but pat yourself on the back because you are doing the best that you can.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Wishing You And Your Family A Happy Holiday!
Monday, December 7, 2020
Moms How Do You Stay Sane In This Pandemic?
We are wondering when this pandemic will be over, I know that I am. Has this pandemic become the new norm? We have all gotten use to wearing masks this year, we have also gotten use to staying mostly in the house. It has been a crazy and I do mean crazy year. I thought that this pandemic would last a few months, I did not anticipate it lasting this long. Hopefully this pandemic will soon be over and we will be back to enjoying a "normal" life with our families. Not to mention getting back to the gym and our children getting back to school.
In quarantine there has been ups and downs. There has been great moments shared with family, and there has been difficult moments. Through it all we have been hanging in there as parents, parents are essential because our families need us and we are the glue that holds the household together. I know that it has not been easy navigating quarantine life with remote learning and working. It has been a difficult road for us all.
Staying sane in a pandemic is hard, but I am trying to approach the challenges with a perspective of hope. I have hope that we will persevere through this difficult time and will be stronger because of it.
How are you staying sane in this pandemic?
Monday, November 30, 2020
I Am Being Transparent!
Like any mom out there, it is a lot going on. There are ups, downs and everything in between. I share a lot on my blogs about it all. Even though I am here to be transparent and open, some things are too fragile and delicate to share on my blog. At least for now, some things are too fresh and new to share at the current moment. You know what I am talking about! I am talking about those secret battles that very few people know about. I think we all have those secret battles as individuals and as parents.
I too am no different. At times my peers can be of great help to me, and then there is a time where I have to call in for reinforcements. I am no stranger to therapy, I think it takes strength and courage to ask for help. A professional bring another view of the situation and can help with getting through those secret battles. There is no shame in my game! 😀
This year has tested me in so many ways, actually the last two years if I am being honest. During these testing moments, I have also learned to speak up more and ask for help. I have always been the type to struggle alone, this proved to be a difficult road. In the last two years I have been speaking up and reaching out to professionals for help. I am learning that life is to be lived and self care is important to my well being and to my family's well being. Life is a journey and not a race or a competition. I am growing, learning and progressing.
I must also mention that I have had a lot of blessings this year also. That lead me to the thought that life is colorful, filled with happiness, success, failure and loss. However, all of it makes me who I am. I learn from it all, there is no need for me to give into "dooms day thoughts". Just because something isn't alright today, does not mean it will be that way forever. Life is unpredictable, but I am counting it all joy. If It's not alright today, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. If you are not alright today, it does not mean that things will always be like this. Wishing you good health and happiness and a great day.
Monday, November 23, 2020
What Is Your Favorite Thanksgiving Memory With Your Family
It's that time of the year again. It's Thanksgiving, however it's unlike any other Thanksgiving. It's quarantine Thanksgiving. This year the large gatherings are forbidden, for the obvious reasons. COVID 19 is still among us and we have to stay safe. Safety is the name of the game this year. I will be inside with my family just the four of us, plus our cute little dog PopKorn. We will be a party of 5 this Thanksgiving.
Now That I shared what I am going to be doing this Thanksgiving, I want to talk about my favorite thanksgiving memory. I have many great Thanksgiving memories, but their is one that stands out most in my mind. My favorite Thanksgiving memory was when my children were 3 and 4 years old. My son and daughter made turkeys out of construction paper and paper plates. It was an awesome time. They took their time to create something special for Thanksgiving. They were happy and giddy, they enjoyed every moment of creating those special turkeys. It was awesome as a mom so see them smile and proud of themselves for the creation that they had made. I was happy that they were happy.What's your favorite Thanksgiving Memory?
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, may the memories of this Thanksgiving be joyous for you and yours.
Monday, November 16, 2020
There Is No Perfection In Parenthood
Parenting is definitely not perfect, I don't know about you but that has been the case for me. Parenting has taught me to aspect the unexpected. Even when I thought that I was prepared, I found out that I was not at all prepared. Everything is always good in theory, but when it actually happens I find that emotions kick in. Things will not always be sunshine and rainbows in parenting, but the love and compassion that I have for my children is what drives me to do the bet that I can. I don't always have the perfect answers or solution to everything, but I think that's what makes life interesting. As my children are learning and growing I am also learning and growing as a parent. Even if I have done this parenting thing before every child is different. In parenting, I am truly learning as I go. Whether things are going good or going south, it is all a learning process. Some situations are easier or harder than others in the world of parenting that is for sure. Also, I must say that my faith is what give me the strength to persevere through it all. Parenting really has tested my grit and also build my grit strength. There is no perfection in parenting, I release myself from the pressure of being perfect. Perfection is unachievable and I will never be able to obtain it. I am just seeking to give love and support and work through life's difficulties. The good times and the difficult times each has it's lessons, I am taking it in and learning from it all.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Mommy In Need Of Fresh Air
I am taking it one day at a time, I will figure out what winter activities as I go along. What are some winter activities, that you are looking forward to?
Monday, November 2, 2020
Mom's Today I just Want To Remind You To Smile
Monday, October 26, 2020
Moms, How Do You Find Time For Yourself During Quarantine
Hello Moms!
We are experiencing unprecedented times, this has never happened to us ever.
Although, most of us do not have to be out as much, we are learning how to navigate being home.
Working from home, distant learning, chores and the list goes one. It has been a busy year and there is no
end in sight. How do moms separate home life from work life and school life?
Our entire world have collided together. Its been a constant juggling act for most of us.
I was having a difficult time finding me time before this pandemic appeared. Although, I did have the
luxury of going to the gym after school drop offs. Oh how I miss those days, I don't feel too safe going to
the gym right now, it is a unnecessary risk for me to take. When I'm doing chores and checking on my
children during distant learning, the day goes by quickly. I get so caught up with every detail of my children
and chores that I have no time for anything else. I am always getting distracted with work, It was a never
ending cycle! This weekend I decided to stop and focus on my self for a few hours.
On Sunday, I woke up and went straight to the shower, got ready and took myself for a pedicure. I decided
to try something new, I tried a Jelly Pedicure and I loved it. I don't think that I will ever go back to a regular
pedicure. The only issue is that the time went way too fast, I wish that my self care time was longer.
I was not ready to go home and get back in the house. When I arrived home I decided to hang out in the car
and listen to some music. It was fun while it last, I plan on having more days when I avoid distractions, drop
everything and take care of myself. How do you find time for yourself in quarantine? Comment and share
your self care journey.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Mommy What Do You Do All Day? No Mom Want To Hear This Question.
It's interesting to know that most children cannot describe what their mom does all day. Recently, this came up in a discussion at home. My husband suggested that we all (entire family) switch roles and role play. Then on of my children jokingly said " what does mommy do all day" 😑
Really, you want to know what I do, you couldn't handle what I do on a daily basis. I can hardly handle it myself at times. On top of all the chores and dealing with children school stuff, I have to be therapist dealing with everyone's feelings and emotions. Not to mention be a personal driver for my kids. Then I have deal with married life stuff, then if I am lucky if I have sometime for myself. I am always giving myself the left overs, of time and energy after giving to my family. What does mom do all day? The answer to your question is everything! I do not have a one track mind, I dabble in everything.
The quickest way for everyone to find out what I do is if I stop doing it. Then you will clearly see what mom does all day. This is how I am feeling today 😁
Anyway, life goes on and on. Hang in there to all the moms who are doing their best with what they have. This Pandemic has caused moms to work double time, hang in there it gets better.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Mom guilt is such a real thing in every sense of the word.
I have experienced mom guilt at every stage of my motherhood journey. I would feel guilty about buying something for myself or having free time. I would rather go without and make sure that me children have what they need and things that they may want. Being a mom is no doubt a selfless job, and the bottom line for me is that, I would rather spend my last dollar on my children. I will admit, that in the infancy of motherhood my appearance was not the best that it could be. My children on the other hand, were always dressed nicely and taken care of. In fact, one of my favorite pass times was dressing my kids up and taking pictures. I was and am always stingy with the time I have for self-care. I felt guilty about nearly everything that meant that I would have to give time and resources to myself.
Striking Balance
Now that my children are teenagers, I still feel mom guilt at times. I am just learning how to take better care of myself. Mommy burnout is also real and often times for me it's caused by mom guilt. I previously felt like I needed to jump through hoops to please everyone. Now, I know that I need to take care of myself so that I can give my best self to my family. There are other manifestations of mom guilt, some of these may be natural feelings that moms go through. Whatever, the case I am working my way through it and taking good care of myself.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Moms Make It Happen
This goes without saying, moms are always multitasking all day everyday. I can't think of a day or time when I am not multitasking. I don't know what it's like to only have one task on a daily basis.
Multitasking is really an understatement, to say the least. Motherhood is more than just completing a series of task. It is also about being present physically, emotionally and spiritually, it about being devoted and being available in every way to our children. I am sure every parent understand what a big commitment having children are, it's never as simple as completing a task. There is always a need that have to be addressed when it comes to raising children. There are a million moving parts all at once when it comes to raising children. Not to mention, moms are not just moms we wear other hats that are also important. Some of us have careers and spouses. That is another area of our lives that needs attention, and then we have to find time for self care which is equally as important. Sometimes we may feel like we are spreading ourselves thin, but some how we get it done. Sometimes we are tired and stressed from juggling it all. It really is not an easy job but we make it happen. We do it for the love of our families and that makes it worth it.
Monday, September 28, 2020
It's hard to believe that fall is here, but it's here. Summer went by fast and slow at the same time, let me explain. It was fast in the sense that here we are at the end of September in a flash; It was also slow in the sense that we spent most of the summer in quarantine. Safety was an issue due to the corona virus, so we ventured out the house on rare occasions. Quarantine makes the time feel slower than it actually is, these are the reasons why I say that the summer was fast and slow at the same time.
Does any one else feel like the summer went by fast and slow at the same time? Let me know in the comment section.
I actually love the fall, the breeze blowing through my hair and the beautiful multicolored leaves are a sight to see. For a long time I actually called myself a "fall baby" with great pride. I was under the impression that my birthday was in the fall, I recently found out that my birthday is actually in the summer. I've always associated my birthday with going back to school in the fall. It's funny that I am just finding out in my 40's that my birthday is actually in summer. That was a funny story, I couldn't help but to share it. 😁
I think what I am looking forward to is spending time with family, this year has been a roller coaster ride and I am sure that many of you can relate to this. I think that this fall will be a time of love and spending quality time together as a family. Drop a comment, and tell me what you're looking forward to doing with your family this fall.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Moms Are You Looking Forward To The Holidays?
This holiday will not be like all other holidays, we have the big elephant in the room. That big elephant in the room is corona virus, this holiday will not be business as usual because of safety concerns. Not to mention the families who have lost their loved ones this year, this will be their first holiday without their loved ones. Some of us either lost a loved one this year or we know someone that lost a loved one, to corona virus or other illness. In just 5 short months it will be a year since corona virus has been among us here in the United States. This holiday will be a little different for sure, but I believe that we can all persevere and get through this.
I am very cautious this holiday season, I am still undecided about my holiday plans. I am thinking about just staying home with my immediate family or maybe inviting a few close family over for the holidays. I am waiting to see how the corona virus develops this winter. I want to be safe at the same time I don't want the seriousness of what is going on to take away the joy of the holidays.
Whatever I end up doing this holiday, I plan on being safe and having a great time. Wishing you and your family the best for this holiday season.
Monday, September 14, 2020
How Is Quarantine School Going?
Monday, August 31, 2020
It Takes A Village To Raise A Child
The title is a dead give away about what I will be talking about today. It is a very common saying, that it takes a village to raise a child. This statement is very true! Although, we may feel like we are alone sometimes as parents, the truth is that we are not alone and there are people that can help.
Our Village
In my village are my husband and I, My mother and father in-law and my mother. My mother and father in-law are grandparents, by the have also been like a second set of parents for my children. If my children were not with us they were always with my in-laws; their home was my children's second home. Off course as their grandparents they spoil them as grandparents do. That is totally fine with me, my in-laws also have our backs when it comes to the plans and expectations that we have for our children. My mom, is also a source of support for our children, she enjoys spoiling them. Her main goal as a grandmother is to spoil them with whatever they want, that gives her joy and so that is what she does. My kids are very shy in asking her for things, but she is always encouraging them to ask her for what they want. Grandparents are for sleepovers, fun and everything in between. There are also other people in our village like aunts, uncles that may also influence our children's life. It's important for us that our children have positive influences that will help them learn and grow.
Village Professionals
Our village have professionals that help us care for our children to make sure that they are healthy. We have teachers, pediatrician, dentist, therapist, support groups and clergy in our village. These professionals are there to assist us with the needs of our children. Even though, as parents we are alone in the day to day tasks, we are not truly alone when we look at the big picture. There is help we just have to ask for help when we need it.
Thank you to our village that help us on a daily basis!
Monday, August 24, 2020
Parenthood Is An Honorable Path
Parenthood is not an easy path but it is an honorable path. Choosing to have sole responsibility for little human beings is honorable and selfless.
Running The Race Of Perseverance
Perseverance has always been key for me, because every phase of parenting has challenged me in some way. I feel like I am constantly being stretched like a rubber band in many different directions. Yes, sometimes I feel like that rubber band that is about to pop under pressure. 😃 I am not going to pretend like everything is easy and organized at all times. When I started this blog I wanted to talk about my true experiences as a parent, you definitely will not get sugarcoating from me. There has been a lot of crying in my not so good moments of parenting, and a lot of praying to get my through the rough times. I am running the race of perseverance daily as a parent.
Embracing The Good And Bad Times
As a parent I have learned to embrace the good times and capture the memories that are special with my children. My children and I have done so many great things together, we have tons of memories and bonding time. The wonderful times we spent together as a family is something that we can all look back on one day. When my children are older they I know that they will appreciate those moments even more. Memories are forever!
Confession: In the early year struggled with depression and so although I was present with my children, I did not enjoy motherhood as much as I could have. My children were my motivation to seek help for my depression, once I started to heal I was able to truly enjoy special moments with my children. My children were not old enough to witness me struggling from depression. I am thankful that I was able to recover while my kids were so young, it would have broken my heart to have them see me like that.
That was one example of the bad times, there are also plenty of other parenting moments that are not so great. However, the lessons that I've learned from the tough times have been valuable. The rough times really taught me to stretch my thinking outside of the lines, and it taught me to have compassion for myself and my family. Most of all the lessons have all taught me perseverance. I can't give up no matter what the situation, I must have hope and keep moving forward.
🏆🏆🏆Parenthood The Honorable Path🏆🏆🏆
Parenthood is an honorable path, congratulations to all who have chosen to walk this path.
Monday, August 17, 2020
This Self Care Stuff Is Hard!
I know That I should be consistent with making time time for myself. However, it is hard to find time as a mom and a wife and let's add being in a global pandemic to that. Also, being hard on myself about not having time for self care is also not helping. I can't wait until this pandemic is over so that I can go back to my gym. I valued and enjoyed that time alone.
However, one thing that does make me happy is taking selfie pictures. As simple as that is, I get a kick out of it. Whatever gives me joy I will enjoy that until I find another outlet. It's the small things that matter and so I'll just take baby steps.
I forgot to mention that there was a time in my life, that I did not take pictures. I didn't feel happy or confident enough to take pictures in my early years of motherhood. Taking pictures is a big deal for me, it's very ironic that now I enjoy taking selfies.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Back To School Or Not?
It's August and decisions about whether school will be in person or virtual is in the works. My family and I are still in the swing of summer but we are bombarded by phone calls and emails regarding school. Our school district in New Jersey has given us the choice to send our kids to in person school or attend virtual school. Only 10 students will be in each classroom, therefore majority of the students will attended virtual school. Both of my children are in two different transitions of life. My daughter is starting high school for the first time, and my son will be in his junior year of high school. These years are very important, not to mention that children need socialization, peer interaction is very important. A lack of socialization is also a threat to mental health. It has been a difficult and agonizing decision for me, I felt like I have been beating myself up about this decision.
This Decision Has Been Stressful! 😵😵😵
Ultimately, I made the decision to have my children attend virtual school. I don't feel like it will be safe for my children to attend in person school. There are too many unknown variables with in person school. On the other hand there are also many unknowns about virtual school. I hope that the quality of education with virtual school will be also be a fulfilling experience for my children. I have faith that I made the right decision.
Parents We Are In This Together!
This global pandemic has completely turn everything upside down. I hope that children and parents across our nation and around the globe have the support that they need. We are all in this together, whatever decision you make for your child have faith that you are making the right decision.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Bonding Time!
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Stork Is Coming!
Monday, July 20, 2020
Mom Needs A Vacation From A Vacation.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Mom Gone Stir-Crazy In Quarantine
We have a pool and other entertainment, but just staying home and nothing else is starting to take a hold on me. I had to get out of the house more often, staying in the house is starting to affect my mental health.
Don't get me wrong! I enjoy relaxing at home, but sometimes I need to get out!
To get over my stir-craziness, my family and I decided to go to mall, we took our children to get some Ice cream. We took all the precautions to keep ourselves safe. We wore masks and sanitize our hands often. I have been trying to keep my family safe from this virus by staying home, however, I have to also remember to take care of my mental health.
It was great to get out and see other people and have a change of scenery. After, my children had Ice cream we did some shopping. Getting out and having a change in scenery is just what I needed. I have to plan more activities l include leaving the house. The world is scary, but I can't stay in a bubble forever. My mental health is just as important as my physical health. As long as I take precautions to keep my family safe that is the most important thing. Looking forward to what adventures the summer holds.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Expect The Unexpected Is The Definition Of Parenthood!
As you know you can't plan for everything in parenthood. Parenthood is filled with surprises and twist and turns. I had a day of rest planned, but an unexpected parenting duty came up. As parents were are always ready for the unexpected.
I'm sure you have also had your twist and turns as a parent as well. I think parents are always ready to change directions and change plans at the drop of a hat. We are great at showing up and getting the job done.
Wait a minute..... I am not saying parenting is easy!!!
Be it easy or be it hard we always come through as parents.
When parenting expect the unexpected!!
Monday, June 29, 2020
What Is Your Favorite Summer Activity In Quarantine?
Who else have this problem?

We have been at this quarantine life for 4 months now, we have done a lot of activities together. Now that the weather has changed and the parks are open we are getting out more.
We also enjoy swimming in the privacy of our own backyard. I pretty much like to enjoy the fresh air with my family. Swimming and walking in the park is a perfect time to enjoy some fun in the sun.
I also like to fill the cooler up with sodas and water, pack some lunch and head to the park. Lunch in the park with my family on a sunny but breezy day is my cup of tea.
Monday, June 22, 2020
What Is Your Summer Plans In Quarantine?
I am just making up activities for my family on the go.
We are being spontaneous because in quarantine you have to be.
Although, everything is uncertain the fun doesn't have to be.
Whatever you do I am sure it will be a fun and safe summer for your family.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Here Is What I Did This Weekend!
So summer is here and we are free but not totally free.
We are free from homeschooling, but still not totally free to go everywhere because of the Global Pandemic. A few places have opened in the state of New Jersey, but there are a lot of places that are still closed. Beauty salons, nail salons, dinning in restaurants and also some doctors offices are still closed. We are still walking on uncertain ground and need to be cautious. The upside is that the weather is great. The sun is shinning, flowers are blooming and the breeze is blowing. It is a perfect day for a walk in the park. The time is always right for some fresh air. I take my mask for safety, and that is all that I need.
Family Day Out!
Monday, June 8, 2020
I Have Been Emotional Lately!
Monday, June 1, 2020
Family Staycation In Quarantine!
Community pools and recreation centers are closed this summer and summer camp will only meet virtually. Summer school is also virtual for students who have to attend. This summer will be very different and interesting to say the least. The up side is that the city will have a few sponsored events for families that are looking for safe activities to do.
While the state and my city is slowly opening, it is clear that we will not be going away on vacation. I had plans with one of my teens to volunteer in our community this summer. It is not safe to do any of the above, because nationally and globally we are still recovering from the Corona Virus. We are living in a new normal and we are trying to adapt to our new way of life. This spring and going into summer we have been making improvements to our yard. Our mission is to create a relaxing outdoor space for our family. We added flowers and landscaping to create a beautiful atmosphere. A fire pit and a pool, are a few toys for entertainment that we brought in for the summer activities. We are bringing the vacation to us, in this case our "staycation".
We will also visit the parks and have takeout by curbside pick up. This weekend we did a test run to the get ice cream and that seem to go well. All the customers were wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Maybe that is something we can do again during the summer. I am doing the best for my family and I know that you are too.
Monday, May 25, 2020
What Plans Are You Cooking Up, On Your First Quarantine Memorial Day?
I will spend my Memorial Day in my backyard with my family. It's all about loving and honoring each other. I hope your quarantine Memorial Day is a great one!!!
Monday, May 18, 2020
This Is What I Am Looking Forward To This Summer
Monday, May 11, 2020
How Are You Holding Up In Extended Quarantine!?
Yes! Our Governor really declared extended quarantine in New Jersey.
We are going to be in the house until June 5, 2020
These days home schooling, cooking and cleaning are my days.
And yes, my mom hair bun is getting bigger as the days go by. 😁
This is what I keep reminding myself, I am trying to keep up doing healthy activities in quarantine.
It is not easy to stay focus, because I am constantly reminded by the sadness of this pandemic. However, my children keep me busy and they are my motivation to stay healthy and calm in this sad situation. There are a few people in my church community that have passed away due to COVID-19. It is sad and heart breaking. My heart goes out to everyone that has a loved one who passed away and those that are going through this illness. We are all experiencing a collective traumatic experience, we are in this together and we will make it through together. I am doing my part by staying home and caring for my family. I check on my extended family and I send positive and post encourage messages through my social media. I also stay connected to my church community through social media. We are all doing what we can to make it through this healthy and strong.

I've always practiced hand washing and sanitizing, but now it is even more. I am sanitizing my house and everything that comes in my house. It's a lot of work but I rather be safe than sorry.
Monday, May 4, 2020
School Is Closed For The Rest Of The Year, Now What!? #Quarantine
Monday, April 27, 2020
Better Late Than Never, Your Latter Will Be Greater Moms!
It's been quite a Journey, I am 16 years in as a stay at home mom. Life has gotten so busy, sometimes it felt like time was going too fast, and sometimes it felt like time was not moving fast enough. If you are a stay at home mom, you now exactly what I'm talking about. It seems like my children has grown up so fast, they years has flown by. At the same time, the day to day work can become tedious and repetitive. The repetitiveness and not enough me time as left me thinking if this is all there is to life. Motherhood is blessing, but I am not going to lie it can be tiring. I have often admired moms who are able to work full-time and still be there for their children. How do they do it? Although, I was a working mom in the earlier years, I don't fully know if could have done that the entire time. I am sure that I could have done it if I had to. I am thankful that I had the choice to decide what I wanted to do. It was a blessing being their for my children, and being present to see all of their milestones.
Home Bound
I was a person who always had a job, I held at least two jobs while going to school full-time. That is not an easy thing to do as a college student but I was highly motivated. Upon graduating college, I got my first job as a substitute teacher. I worked as a substitute teacher for 3 years and I had my first child in my 2nd year of teaching. Shortly there after I had my second child, and made the decision to stay at home full time. It was a very hard adjustment for me, because I was use to being in control of my own finances. It was scary and nerve wrecking to put it lightly. I was also going through depression and work was a distraction for me, I was afraid that being home would enhance my depression. There were a lot of factors to consider when I decide to stay at home. I dove into it head first and took on all of the consequences that came with my decision.
Rusty And Dusty
Honestly, being home for so long was a blow to my self-esteem. I stopped doing everything that I loved to do and became a devoted care taker for my family. Previously, I enjoyed reading and talking about books with fellow English majors and readers. I also enjoyed, going to see plays of all kind, and visiting museums. I was absolutely obsessed with writing and listening to music. I had gotten to the point were I was in a slump and I was starved for intellectual conversation and the activities that I was accustomed to.
Identity Crisis
I was more than rusty, I was in an identity crisis. I did not keep up with the activities that I enjoyed, and I was not giving myself the self-care that I deserved. It had been ages since I dressed up and went anywhere. I was still wearing maternity clothes years after giving birth, and my brain was completely fried from not having any other adult to talk to all day. I was taking care of my family and loving on my family, but I forgot to love and care for myself. Many years had passed and I looked into the mirror and did not know who this person was.
A Familiar Reflection
I was in my early 30's when I decided go back to school for to enter the human services field. I felt like I was starting over again, I had a chance for ado over. It felt like old times learning an growing, I am like a sponge and I love to learn. I made it through the program and graduated with an 4.0 GPA, I was so proud of myself. After graduation, I began volunteering in my community. My life experiences and my love for volunteering, inspired me to start a support group in my community. Today, it's been 4 years since my support group has been hosted by a local hospital. I am making time for self care and I am feeling like myself again. I am writing a lot again and enjoying activities that brings me joy. I am learning that I can be a mom & wife and still be me. I have dreams and goals and I am excited for what the future holds.
Monday, April 20, 2020
My Love Language To My Family In #Quarantine
I see mom's across the globe virtually showing the love for their families through food.
There are ways to show love to our families, having a great meal with our family is just one of them. It makes me happy to cook a great meal for my family, and it's even better sitting down with them and enjoying that meal. I love to see the smiles and the joy that they feel when they eat a meal, I have made for them. Every mom has a love language that works for their family, food is one of my love language to my family. Although, I do have many other love languages to my family, food seems to be very prominent.
My other love language to my family is quality time, we love to go on family walks in the park. Our favorite thing to do at the park is to see the cherry blossoms. We missed the cherry blossoms this year due to the current pandemic, parks are closed in New Jersey. It's been hard to take a walk in our neighborhood because of the mandatory #stayhome order in our town. However, we are doing our best to do other activities as a family, we have a backyard that we can use for outdoor activities. My family and I also enjoy family game night, we have plenty board games to keep the fun going. Movie time is also among our favorite activities ( if we all agree on what movie to watch). Whatever, the circumstances are my love language to my family remains the same. Every mom wants to have a happy and healthy family, this gives me great joy. What is your love language to your family?

Monday, April 13, 2020
Surviving Home School In #Quarantine
I was previously a substitute teacher, before I became a stay at home mom some 15 years ago.
boy! that is a long time ago, I am pretty rusty at this teaching thing. I have been trying to get back into the swing of this teaching thing.
Everyone is up at 8 A.M. and I make sure my children are following there schedules and turning in their assignments. Also, I am their advocate and secretary when it comes to communicating with teachers and administration. This new quarantine and home school life is our new reality for now, I am making the best of it. Hope you guys are holding up well with home schooling.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Mom I'm Bored!!
We get it done even if we are tired from all the running around that we do.
We do our best to keep our children busy with wholesome activities, but they always seem to say: Mom I'm bored. I am beginning to think that there is no cure for a child's boredom.
I grew up in the 90's when there were no internet, cell phone and other devices. I had video games growing up but there weren't a variety and video games weren't as advance as it is now. Back then if I was bored I had to use my imagination and event something to do. It's hard to believe that a child is bored when they have endless entertainment. They have cell phone, tablets, laptops and gaming consoles ( just to name a few) and a library of video games to chose from. There are also a host of books and e-books to choose form. Not to mention that there are also traditional board games, music and movies to choose from. How does someone find themselves bored with so many options?
To Entertain or Not To Entertain?
We can have family time, quality time or family game night, but parents are not full time entertainers. There comes a time when our little ones will have to be left to discover their own creativity. I can do a lot of things as a parent but curing a child's boredom at every turn is an impossible feat. Mom's can't solve every spell of boredom, but thank goodness we can help with most things.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Surviving #Stayhome And Social Distancing Culture
I for one never saw this coming, I don't think anyone saw this coming. This tragic virus that has been attacking our communities have thrown us for a loop. We went from a busy fast pace society to shut downs, mandatory stay at home laws and keeping 6 ft social distance between each other. Most of us are also home school teachers for the first time as schools are shut down. Food is flying off the shelves in the grocery stores and what's up with everyone stock piling toilet paper!? The stock piling of groceries has been super annoying, but we are all making it through. I try to get groceries delivered when I can to avoid going out, and then frantically sanitizing the packages. I have been obsessively sanitizing everything, and washing my hands countless times. My hands are dry and ashy at this point but I would rather be safe than sorry. One of the hardest things has been to keep my children on task with there school work. Let's face it! Children will test the boundary, they may feel like they are on a long spring break. Also, getting enough exercise that is a new challenge staying inside. Although my kids and I are inside I have a spouse that is a essential worker. Having a spouse who has to work in this atmosphere is also a new experience. The 6 feet in social distance from another person has been awkward for many. This is a time when we second guess being around everyone even family. There are new challenges with the stay at home culture but there are also a lot of pros to being home.
Safety and Family Time!
I get it!
Safety is the most important thing despite the challenges of living in #stayhome culture. We are all safe and healthy and that is the most important thing. Spending time with my family has been a thrill, there is nothing like spending quality time with the people I love. We made smoothies, played board games, watched movies, cook meals together and walk our dog. We are making the moments count and staying positive in this new culture.
Monday, March 23, 2020
My Calm place!
Our calm place may be different.
Besides writing I enjoy aromatherapy.
It is very soothing to lay down, relax and enjoy some aromatherapy.
Candles and oil diffusers are my favorite. There are so many different scents to chose from, I am like a kid in a candy store. Peppermint! Strawberry! Cherry blossom! Oh My... I am in heaven!
Breathing exercises are also calming, breathing exercises are very under rated but are very helpful beneficial to mental health. When I am focused on just breathing nothing else matters.
As a busy mom it's great just to steal a few minutes for myself.
Take A Deep Breathe! Breathe In! Breathe Out!
Find Your Calm Place!!!!!
Monday, March 16, 2020
Moms are teachers, therapists, housekeepers, care takers, chauffeurs, advocates and so much more
Moms are the only people I know that wear so many hats.
We counsel our children, we feed them, we bathe them, and we take them where ever they need to go.
Most of all mom's are advocates for their children.
Moms are the strongest force in their children's life.
Moms get the job done, the ability to multitask in the midst of chaos is something to behold.
I dare someone to tell a stay at home mom that she does not have enough work experience.
Moms hold many positions without having a degree for it.
We are creative and innovative, we work under enormous pressure day in and day out.
We take very few breaks and we are always ready to go! go! go!
Moms are dependable and trustworthy.
We desire the very best for our children.
Our children look to us for love and security.
We may not get a thank you everyday but beneath it all, I believe that our children appreciate us.
Whenever I meet someone for the first time they always ask what do you do?
I think it is the most annoying question ever, they ask this as if my job title will tell them all they need to know about me. I use to respond by saying "I am just a mom" I said this as though I was apologizing for being uninteresting or unaccomplished. That dreaded question took a hold of me over the years and I've avoided a lot of social situations because I was afraid of being asked what do you do?
If you are doing a job that does not generate any Income people sometimes make you feel like you're unaccomplished. I chose this life and I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel like I am not good enough or unworthy. To heck with their metric system, my purpose is to raise my children.
I am NOT just a mom!
I will no longer answer by saying I am just a mom, no apologizing and no shame.
I am proud to be a mom!
I am a mom of two beautiful children and that is how I will answer the next time someone want to ask me that annoying question.
It took me years to feel comfortable about what I do.
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Parenting Game
Parenting is anything but a game, it's a serious job however I chose to call this article The Parenting
Game to make my point. One thing that I have learned as a parent is that I will forever be
transitioning and readjust to the next phase of parenting. First it was the newborn stage, bonding with
my baby and learning to be a mom for the first time. It's like you give birth and then they hand your
baby and send you home to figure things out for yourself. Secondly, there were the toddler years, I
went from having a newborn baby who barely move to having a toddler who gets in everything. At
this stage Potty training gets very real and I am trying to keep up with a busy toddler.
before I knew it I had a child ready for kindergarten, going to school for the first time is an adventure
in itself.
The preteen years sneak up before I could blink my eyes, these are the years where they
question everything. Now here I am with two teenagers, who are really young adults. They are
changing, questioning, exploring and trying to figure it all out. Now I am trying to figure out how to
talk about sex with my children. Also, this is the time to talk about mental health matters with my
children. I don't even want to think about having adult children, I am not ready for that yet.
However, I am sure that when that does happen I will be ready to make that transition. Children are
constantly evolving and so are parents.
The Evolution Of A Parent
From my experience as a parent, I find myself constantly having to readjust and transition into
the next phase of parenting as my children get older. It's like being in the same position at my job but
constantly having to change my approach to accommodate the constant and rapid changes that's
occurring. Parenting for me is an evolutionary process, I am taking it as it comes. I hope and pray that
I am getting it right.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Mommy's Day Off
It is impossible to pour from an empty cup!
This simply mean that I cannot give to others if I have nothing to give from. I have to take care of myself first physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. When I am at my best I can in return give my best.
My husband and I took the day off on a Saturday to pamper ourselves as a couple. A couples pedicure was just what the doctor ordered.
We realized that we have to take care of ourselves and increase our date nights. After 17 years of marriage, it's easy to get caught up with the business of taking care of the family. Date nights should always be a priority, we vow to each other from now on to make date night a priority.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Mom's Love These Baby Products!
For this blog I talk to a few moms that I know. I had my favorite baby products when I had babies. I wanted to find out what products are popular among moms. I spoke to a mom who is a new mom and this is her first child, She has a 1 month old baby boy. The second mom that I spoke to has two children, her youngest child is 4 years old and her oldest is 5 years old. The second mom has both a boy and a girl. I also decided to share my favorite baby products as well I have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. I wanted to choose moms who have children who vary in age, so that we can also compare new baby products verses older products.
Before I continue I must put a disclaimer, I do NOT endorse any of these products. I am NOT being paid by anyone to talk about these products. We are just everyday moms sharing our experience with products that we love.
Here we go!
The first lists is from new mom Angie who has a 1 month old son.
1. Huggies Diapers
2. Dr. Brown Bottle
3. Avent Bottles
4. Avent Bottle Warmer
5. Spectra Breast Pump
6. Wipe Warmer
7. Gripe Water
8. Ubbi Diaper Pail
9. Hoppy Lounger pillow
10. Tuut Baby Wipe Warmer
Angie has a long list of goodies that she enjoys using. I had an opportunity to test out Angie's Tuut Baby Wipe Warmer over the weekend. IT IS PRETTY DARN COOL!!!!!
Next up! Bianca's list of favorites! Bianca has an 6 year old daughter and a 5 year old son.
1. Desitin
2. Sensitive Dreft
3. Huggies Diapers
4. Luvs diapers
5. Mustela ( foaming shampoo, body wash & lotion)
6. Eucerin ( for dry skin)
7. Baby Finger Toothbrush
Bianca's list is great as well. I learned something new, I never heard of Mustela that product is new to me. Also, the baby finger toothbrush is new to me as well. Thank you Bianca for sharing!
Lastly, here is my list
I have a 16 year old son and a 14 year old daughter.
1. Sensitive Dreft
2. Dr. Brown Bottles
3. 3 stage bath tub ( newborn to 12 months)
4. Terry Cloth Baby Robe with matching slippers
5. Graco Baby Bouncer
6. Graco High Chair
7. Johnson & Johnson Baby bath products etc...
8. Cetaphil lotion and soap for sensitive skin
9. Pampers Diapers & wipes
There you have it! These were my favorite products to use with my babies. I really really enjoyed the Terry Cloth Baby Robe with matching slippers. It was so adorable!!!
Thank you mom's for sharing your favorite baby must haves.
Feel free to comment and share your favorite products to use for your little angel!