Monday, December 27, 2021


 We did it!!!

We finished yet a second year of this pandemic. I am thankful that we made it through, all the ups and downs of the year. Parents pat yourselves on the back because it is not easy to navigate in normal circumstances, but to be pushing forward during this pandemic is a blessing. Best wishes to you for the upcoming year. May 2022 bring forth peace, love and more awesome memories with your children. 

WELCOME 2022!!!! 

Monday, December 13, 2021

If You Love Me, You Will Respect My Boundaries

 All of us have boundaries, at least most of us do. Creating boundaries is a way of practicing self care and creating a safe space and protecting one's peace. Protecting my peace is important to me, there is a lot going on in the world and there is so many things and people demanding my attention. This is why it's imperative to have boundaries in place. 

When it comes to my children they are no different, they too need healthy boundaries, in this digital age.  Especially during the teenage years, it's hard to keep up with teenagers. However, technology is not the only thing that needs to be addressed when it comes to boundaries. There is a whole host of things and situations that calls for boundaries to be set in place. Also, as a parent I am mindful that I too must respect my children's boundaries such as their privacy. This may mean not posting certain things on social media or listening to what they want instead of running away with my plans for them. 

I had to face this very thing in planning my daughter's 16th birthday party, I wanted to make a big deal out out of her 16th birthday, but she wanted a small gathering to celebrate her special day. I knew that doing things my way would make her unhappy, and that is the last thing that I wanted to happen. In the end, I respected her and gave her what she needed and wanted. Boundaries goes both ways, and we all deserve to have our boundaries respected. Lastly, we are all learning, growing and evolving and so being kind and patient with each other could go a long way. 


    Your Concerns Are Important To Me.


Monday, November 29, 2021

Know Your Worth


I don"t know about you, but I sometimes undervalue what I bring to the table. In the midst of all the challenges, twists and turns of motherhood, sometimes, I forget about how valuable I am. It's easy to see what we aren't doing, and glance over the great things that we do. Sometimes, we have to clap for our selves and remind ourselves that we are doing our best. Our families depend on us and they love even when we don't hear them say it. The most important thing, is that we as moms know our worth. We will reap the benefits of our hard work if we persevere.

 When those negative thoughts try to creep in, I will remember that I am valuable member of my family.  Clap for yourself once in a while!

Monday, November 22, 2021

How Are You Holding Up

 It has been busy, busy, busy around here. 

I have been running around non stop these last few months. I am a working mom now and I have a high school senior. I sure that I don't have to tell you how nerve wrecking that is. I am trying to make sure he get's everything for college and keeping up with all the senior activities at the same time. It is a happy time, but also I feel like I am sitting on pins and needles. I know that in the end everything will be alright, we have to all do our part to get things moving along. Not to mention, I have another child who is in her sophomore year of high school, which feels like her freshman year because it's her first time in the building. I know that many of you are going through similar circumstances. Let us not get overwhelmed, because these are blessings. The fact that our families are progressing shows how blessed we are. Soon we will reap the benefits of our hard work as a family. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

I Am The Kind Of Mom That Apologizes When She's Wrong

 Growing up, it was "normal" for children to be seen and not heard, and a child should stay in a child's place. Let's tackle that subject. I do agree that a child should be respectful, and be privy to only child appropriate situations. When it comes to the notion that a child should not be heard, that is where I disagree. Everyone has thoughts, feelings and emotions, and should have a safe space to express those concerns. Children are little humans that are going through their own experiences in this world, making them feel less than does not help them in the long run. 

That leads me to this point, 

parents are not always right, simply put. The lines between parent and child is sometimes blurred and confusing. I can relate to this, nothing is ever smooth sailing when raising children. Whether you have one child or many, there are heck ups along the way. There are so many thoughts and feeling involved in a family dynamic, it's sometimes a challenge to see with sober eyes. With that being said, there are moments that I have to reflect and circle back to apologize to my children.

Having the wisdom to realize that I am wrong and then having the courage to apologize is a big step. I want to create a atmosphere that my children feel safe and valued. I am not right all the time  just because I am the parent, and my parental authority does not make me less accountable for my actions. I am a mom that apologizes when I am wrong. I am not a perfect mom, but I am a good mom because I know when to admit that I am wrong. What are your thoughts about this topic? Do you apologize to your children? Feel free to comment, and let me know your thoughts. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

I Am Done Beating Myself Up

 Yes, Mommies!

I have been way too hard on myself in the role mom. I am done beating up on myself because honestly it makes the journey much more difficult than it needs to be. Life gets hard, but I am doing the best that I can and that is all that I can do. I know in my heart that I am doing the best that I can and that is all that I can do. I am learning that I cannot solve every problem and I don't have all the answers. I can do what I can and ask for help with other things and somethings will have to work themselves out. I stand in the power of being alright with not having it all figure out. 

I deserve happiness and I am done beating myself up, point blank and period. I am putting an end to beating myself up. I am practicing being kind to myself.  All may not be perfect in my world but my world will keep on turning. Wishing you peace and happiness along your journey, may your world flourish.

Monday, October 18, 2021

My Life Is Flashing Before My Eyes

 Lately, I can't help but feel like I am old because time is just flying by so fast. As I watch my children grow and  accomplish so many milestones it feels surreal. My first born will be 18 years old soon and my second child will be 16 years old. I can't help but to think how fast the years are going by. I feel like my life is flashing before my eyes. On the other hand I can't help but to feel proud, one decision after another for the last 18 years has brought me to this place. That is something to be proud of.

Life is far from perfect but it is a blessing. My children are a blessing to my life, I Have grown as a person because of them. Through the many twists and turns of life, I have gained so much from the experience of being a mom. I have learned from the difficult times and I am better because of it. I will continue to learn as my children transition into adulthood. As time progress I appreciate everything both the difficult and the good situations. All of this has brought me to this place that I am in my life. The place that I am in is a state of reflective joy. I feel joy when I think about my journey as a mother. This joy that I feel is the sum total of laughter, tears, prayers and smiles. Time does not stand still, but I am soak in every moment.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Learning And Growing With Teenagers

Everyday is a learning experience with teenagers and the years seem to be flying by so fast. I am preparing my children for adulthood, but at the same time I want to hold on to their child like spirits and spend time with them making more memories. I don't want them to be in a rush to grow up, at the same time I have to prepare them for the future. It is a complicated situation, I am learning how to keep things balanced. 

Keeping It Balanced

I enjoy sharing special moments with my teenagers, the fun and laughter is like none other. As my children gets older I am understanding the importance of taking time to smell the roses together. These days are precious and I don't want it to slip by. Although there is an urgency to make plans for the future, that cannot be over shadowed by the present. Everything has it's time and place, I trust that we are always at the right place at the right time. We are moving from grace to grace and I trust in the process. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

I Am Guilty Of Trying To Fix Everything For My Children


I confess!!!

I am guilty!!

I can't help myself sometimes and I want to make everything alright, and make sure everything is smooth sailing for my children. I have a hard time standing by and seeing my children struggle. I want to make there lives as easy as possible. The problem with this is that I am not giving them the independence they need to grow. I have only recently came to the realization that I can't fix every situation for my children. There are somethings that they must solve on there own to have independence and build a healthy self esteem. Me solving everything for my children, will not give them the chance to feel the gratification of the self accomplishment. Self accomplishment is important in have a healthy self esteem and self worth. 

Although, I would like to fix every situation, something's they will have to do alone. I am doing them a disservice if I am not allowing them to have some independence. I can't play "mommy fix it"  forever, it is time that I make some changes. However, make no mistake I will be there to be a support system for them no matter what.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Readjusting To Drop Offs And Pick Ups After A Year 1/2 Of Virtual Learning

 For most of us it has been a year and a half that our children have been attending virtual school. I never thought that virtual learning would last this long. On the flip side of the coin, I never thought that my children would have to return to school masked up and with hand sanitizer. This is a new world that we are living in, and it feels unreal. 

Additionally, We are all adjusting to our new normal. Besides the masks and hand sanitizers, our children are readjusting to being in the school building and parents are readjusting to drop offs and pick ups. I must admit that I got kind off spoiled, not having to do drop offs and pick ups free up a lot of time. I enjoyed not sitting in the school traffic, although it came at a cost. My children are over virtual learning and are looking forward to in person learning. That makes it worthwhile for me. 

I find that I am dragging myself in the morning to do drop offs, I am extremely rusty at it. What a difference a year make. Can anyone relate to this? Nevertheless, I have to get back on the saddle and get back to my regular routine. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Time Is Now

 Hi mommies,

The time is now!

I have been putting off some very important things that I want to do for myself. I have been putting it off because it never seemed like a good time. I have been using my kids as a excuse not to care for myself, yes, motherhood is hard and it keeps me busy. However, if I am being honest, it's very easy to use my kids an  excuse for not finding time to take care of my needs. I have allowed a lot of things to fall by the wayside Some that have affected my health and well being. 

The time is now for me to get back on track and be accountable for my choices. Today, I choose to work on my goals without excuses. I may not get it right the first of second time, but I will promise to pick myself up and keep going. 

Is there something that you have been putting off, if so, I hope that you too make time to be kind to yourself. Best wishes! 

Monday, August 16, 2021

I Am Not Ready!

 I can't believe that summer is almost over!!!😢😢😢

I am not ready for back packs and lunch boxes, I want summer to last a little longer. Moms, enjoy the last weeks of summer and relish in it, before you know it school will be back in session. Make every moment count. Where did the time go, I have no idea how the time went by so fast. The store are already stocked with school supplies and school uniforms. Some kids are virtual learning while others will be back in the building. For the student that are going back into the building it's going to be a new adjustment with Covid procedures in effect. For others who are virtual learning that will also be an adjustment. Either way school will be in full swing and our kids will be navigating through a new grade with new teachers. 

I am bracing myself, saying a little prayer and hoping for the best as we are transitioning from summer break into the school year. Hang in there mommies!

Monday, August 9, 2021

When Are You Going To Have More Children? Why Do People Ask This Question!?

 I am 42 years old and I still run into people that ask me that question. Why do people ask this question and why do they think that it's appropriate to ask that question. I have two children who are now teenagers and I am happy and fulfilled with my two children. I have no desire to have more children, I don't believe it's the number of children that I have that matters, but it's the quality of life that I can give to my children that matter. It's up to everyone to decide what's best for themselves. We are all different, some individuals may desire to have a big family and that is all good. However, some of us are content with the number of children that we have already. 

I wish people would resist the urge to put time limits and expectations on others. As long as a couple is in agreement with their family planning, no one else should have a say otherwise. There is enough pressure in life and it doesn't help when people are constantly forcing their thoughts and opinions in the mix. I know my life better than anyone else, I know what is best for me. In all of my years I have never thought to ask anyone that question, because frankly it's none of my business. Family planning is personal and private and it should remain that way, unless an individual  wants to volunteer that information. This is my take on the subject. 

Have you ever been asked this question? If so, what do you think about it? Let's discuss it in the comment section. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Yay Or Nay To Parent Support Groups?

 I have been in a parent support group for teenagers and also a mom support group. I am finding it helpful, because the road of parenthood can sometimes feel lonely. A support group helps me to know that I am not alone. There is always someone that can relate to what I am going through. It's funny how we all think that we are alone when we are facing difficulties, then suddenly we realize that there are others going through the same thing. I have also have the pleasure of attending mental health support groups and the common thread is that, there is always someone who is going through the same things. There is comfort in knowing that I am not alone, and when I see others overcome their obstacles it gives me hope. We can be inspired by each others journey and exchange ideas, these are the reasons that I like support groups.  

However, I tread lightly in these groups. I want to also make sure that I am not giving away too much information, and I am being respectful of my children. Although, these groups are private, in the virtual world it's hard to be totally open. There are thousands of people in these group that I don't know and so I am cautious. Meeting in person is more private and personal, but in the world of Covid-19 I will have to wait for in person meetings to resume. Overall, support groups have been very inspiring and helpful to me. What do you think about parent support groups? 

Monday, July 26, 2021

I Hope That I Am Getting This Parenting Thing Right

I hope that I am getting this parenting thing right.I am constantly asking myself if I am giving too much or too little to my children. I torture myself daily with these questions. Most of the time things never seem to go as planned, in parenting there are lots of surprises along the way. Surprises is an understatement, that's for sure. Most of the time I feel like I am coming up short, but is this true? 

I am trying to be patient with myself, and make peace with the fact that I am doing my best. My desire is always to do my best. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but it certainly is hard not to do so. I am taking it one day at a time, practicing being gentle with myself and being positive.

There well be good times and difficult times in parenting. All of it is worth while because we do it for the ones we love the most. However, let's not forget to love on ourselves. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Teens And Their Devices

 Are you like me, struggling to get those teens outside and away from their devices? 

Those of us who grew up without cell phones and social media, understand the fun that can be had without devices. I wish that my children could understand the simplicity of riding their bicycles and playing tag. Instead, I literally have to beg them to engage in outdoor activity. The only exception is when they are at a theme park or on our family walks. Other than that I have to beg them and even then they will be clicking away on their devices. 

I know it's not just me that goes through this with teens, even with technology restrictions it is still a hassle. Meanwhile, my children have two brand new bicycles collecting dust in the garage. Me with my bright ideas also got them roller skates for Christmas, hoping that they would learn how to skate. They were interested until they actually got the skates. I know that in their eyes I am that annoying mom hassling them to do activities without their devices. I just want them to be well rounded and not get sucked into the vortex of technology. Is that too much to ask! 

 I am sure that some will say that I sound like a nagging mom right now. I am not trying to be a nag, I just want them to take everything in moderation and have healthy habits. I don't think that's too much to ask for. How do you help your teens to develop healthy habits with technology? Share your ideas in the comments.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Mommy Needs A Break

After this long school year of virtual learning I was happy to take a break. Finally, summer is upon us and I am happy to get some rest and relaxation with my family. We started the summer with a vacation to Florida and it was well needed, it was great to get away from the normal day to day hustle. As time goes by, I find that I am in need of more restful days and more vacations with my family. The days, weeks, months and even years go by so quickly. Most of the time is spent doing business, it is refreshing to take a break and relax. I also took a break from writing my blog for a few weeks, I needed to take a step back and collect my thoughts and give birth to new ideas. I am thankful for this time of reflection and relaxation, moving forward I do know that I want to practice more self-care and mindfulness. This is the recharge that I will need, and we all need to recharge as a family and that where family vacations come into play.Vacations help us to decompress from the pressures of life, and have quality time with each other. Time is slipping by and I want to have moments and make more memories with my family. 

The Relaxation Zone

Over vacation my family and I hopped on a flight to Florida and checked into a beautiful resort for four days. prior to that we checked in our puppy in a pet hotel, her had his very own private room with snacks, playtime and daily walks. It's only fair that he had a nice place to stay because we were staying in a nice place. After all he is a member of the family. Now back to our lovely stay at our Floridian resort. We had multiple pools and activities to choose from, not to mention the beautiful villa we stayed in. We did some swimming and our favorite thing to do was play miniature golf. Whenever we stay on a resort we have our competitive game of miniature golf. We also got a chance to go to Universal Studios, two rides was enough for me, I enjoy the shows more than the rides. My kids are the same way, they enjoy looking around and of course doing shopping at the stores. They are not fans of rides except when we go to our favorite water park Dorney Park & Wild Water Kingdom. We also got a chance to catch up with family, we took my mom out for her birthday and went to visit her home. We also rented a car for our trip so we got to drive around the area and get to know the lay of the land. I can't forget to mention that we also joined the resort as club members so we can travel and vacation with ease. It was quite an adventure! The only hiccups that I encountered was some heat exhaustion while visiting Universal Studios. Florida has the most confusing weather, it can be hot outside with spots of rain in one moment and the next it's sunny and hot like the rain never happened. Luckily, I was able to hydrate and recover from the heat exhaustion. All and all it was a good get away and I hope that we can do another get away soon. Hydration is a must especially in this heat. 

What are your plans for the summer, I hope that you too get the break and rest that you need.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Let The Fun Family Times Roll!!!!

 I don't know about you, but I am happy that the summer is nearly here. I am going to find time to breathe and reconnect with my family. It's time to disconnect from the pressure and get into a slower pace of things. I am writing this short blog entry to make the point that, I am looking forward to taking a break from the deadlines and noise to smell the roses with my family. I plan to make good use of my time, connecting with family and friends. Reading some good books and taking good care of myself mentally and physically. Life isn't perfect but I am still here and thankful for it all. I am living in the present because yesterday is gone and tomorrow will take care of it's self. Wishing you a healthy and happy summer. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Raise Your Hand If You Are A Parent That's Had Enough Of Virtual Learning?


I am over virtual learning because I think that my children need real socialization. This pandemic has forced us into virtual learning because I believe that is was the safest option for my children. We believe that is was the safest and right option for us, now we are looking at the possibility of doing in person learning next school year. I feel hopeful with the new vaccines that are available that we can, conquer this terrible virus known as covid-19. It has been convenient to attend class, meeting and work from the comfort of our own home. However, it has become tiresome to a degree. I hope that navigating safety in the summer and fall  season will be more feasible. We are all excited and happily awaiting an end to this pandemic. I stand firm on my stance that I will be glad to see happy smiling school children flocking to the schools once again. What are your thoughts about virtual learning? Are you enjoying the convenience of virtual learning or are you ready to get back to regular life before covid? 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Moms, Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down For The Covid-19 Vaccine For Your Child.

 I would like to hear your opinions. 

First, let me say that this is a personal choice and everyone is free to do what is best for their family. 

No one will be shamed here for giving their child the covid-19 vaccine and no one will be shamed for not getting the vaccine either. This is really a personal choice and whatever decision we make for our families will be the best decision. 

This year has been draining, I have seen so many people pass away and seen others very ill. For me personally, I had my mind made up before the vaccine even became available. I was against taking the vaccine, because there were just too many unknowns about it. Over a year later after having seen so many people suffering, I am starting to see things in a different light. After seeing loved ones suffer with this terrible virus, I want to be safe as possible. I have been hot and cold about taking the vaccine for a few months. However, I am leaning towards getting the vaccine. If I do end up getting it, I will probably still wear my mask until I feel comfortable not doing so in public. The vaccine has just been approved for children 12 years old to 15 years old. I am sure parents everywhere are trying to figure out if the vaccine it right for their child. It's a hard decision and I am sure that it has been for you as well. 

Whatever decision that you make, trust that it is the best decision.  

Vaccine OR No Vaccine!?

Monday, May 10, 2021

Moms, speak on it!! Are You Over Virtual Learning?

 Moms, for those of us who have opted to keep our children at home during the pandemic, and some of us may not have a choice I must add. I am interested to know your thoughts about virtual school. How have you and your child doing being home for such a long extended period of time? 

I personally, never thought that I would see the day that my children would actually want to go to school. It's been over a year and at first all the virtual meetings seemed very convenient. Having the virtual meeting was convenient because I didn't need to get in the car and sit in traffic to attend these meetings. However, right about now I am in virtual meeting overload. Not to mention my children are tired of sitting in the same room looking at the same computer screen. My children are restless and so am I, and when we do go out as a family we have to be extra cautious because of this invisible virus. In my son's words "I miss the days when we could go out and not worry about anything". I totally agree with him!! 

Because of all the reasons I mentioned, my children will definitely be attending school in person in September. Even if it's just a hybrid schedule where they attend a few days out of the week. I think it's good for them to have some sense of normalcy. This is where I am at this point, I will go about it in a safest way possible to make our transition back to some sort of normalcy. 

Moms, speak on it!!! 

Are you over it like I am?

What are your thoughts about virtual learning? 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Pandemic Mother's Day X 2


I just have a short word of encouragement for you today. 

As we celebrate our second Mother's Day in this pandemic, be encouraged and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Motherhood is not easy and add a pandemic to it to make it more complicated. We are still here and spending time with our loved ones is especially heart warming around this time. Hold those cute little kids and enjoy every moment.

I hope you get lots of hugs and kisses on this Mother's Day!!

You are deserving of love and happiness!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Jump In The Life Raft First

 mommies there is no ending to the mommy duties. I have a chapter in my book entitled "Jump In The Life Raft First" 

Yes! Jump in the life raft first is exactly as it sounds. We cannot save anyone unless we save ourselves first. it is great that we have so much passion for our families, but we don't have to do it while neglecting ourselves.

Jumping in the life raft first is necessary for health and wellness. When mom is healthy and happy the whole family benefits from it. 

On a personal note, I plan on jumping in the life raft first, because I am worth it and my whole family is worth it. Taking care of myself is also taking care of my family. Being intentional with self care is not easy while juggling a busy schedule, but I find the time for self care no matter how small the time is. It's all about being intentional. 

 I hope that you find time to be intentional with yourself. 


Monday, April 19, 2021

Why Mom On A Life Raft!?

 Hello Moms,

So I am excited to put pen to paper. 

It's no secret that I like to write, as I encounter new experiences and go through a new phase of life writing is the tool I use to process it all. Motherhood is apart of my journey and so I decided to write my way through the ups, downs and the lessons of motherhood. This is how my new book was born.


The original title of my book was "Super Mom" 

While I was writing the book I realized that, I did not want to give the illusion that motherhood was perfect. My motherhood journey has been imperfect, and filled with lessons along the way. I wanted to paint the accurate picture of what my motherhood journey has been. Their is a chapter in my book titled: Jump on the life raft first. This has been the theme of my motherhood journey, learning to balance it all while striving to achieve self-care. Most days I was trying to hang on to the life raft to try and make it through. This is how Mom on a life raft was born. I was very revealing and vulnerable in sharing my journey, every mom have their own special journey. I am happy to be able to share the adventures of my journey. 

I speak about my quest to balance motherhood while maintaining self identity. I also talk about the struggles with being a newlywed and a new mom at the same time. I talk about everything! The good, the bad, the lessons and where I am now. 

Available On Amazon  
Available on amazon

Monday, April 12, 2021

Is This Pandemic Over yet? Is Equivalent To Are We There Yet!

 I did not see this coming, I didn't know that the pandemic would last this long. It has been a crazy ride, I feel for my children because they have missed so much. It's been over a year now since this pandemic has been raging war on the global community. My children are tired of it and so am I. We have missed so much but in the midst of it all we are still experiencing blessings. We have definitely been experiencing blessings despite the hardships of the pandemic. My emotions have been up and down, having our regular routines disrupted and then watching so many lives been lost to Covid-19 it has been hard. 

I like many, thought that this pandemic would have been gone by Mother's Day of  2020. I held out hope like many others that we would get the all clear to resume our regular lives. No such luck here we are about to approach Mother's Day of 2021 and the pandemic is still here to stay. I never thought that I would be so sick of being at home 24/7. I love my home and I am thankful for it but, some fresh air and a change of scenery is always a good escape from the home.

Recently my husband and I took our children on their first plan ride. It was also my husband's first time flying. It was a welcome distraction from quarantine and virtual working life. It was just what the doctor ordered, we needed excitement and adventure. We enjoyed the Florida sun for a little while and then  returned to our home. It is great to get out and see different things and it's also a blessings to return to our home safely. As long as we are being safe when we do things, that is all that matters. 

This pandemic have me asking "Are we there yet?" just like a child would on a road trip. This pandemic has been some road trip, I am sure that you all can relate to that. I am hanging in there and I am sure that you are too. I am going to try my best to continue to have gratitude and keep things moving in a positive direction. I am sure that we are all tired of the pandemic and are counting the days of when we will be free from this virus. Until then I will continue to seek moments of adventure and excitement with my family. This too shall pass, let's keep hope alive. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Moms It's Not Too Late To Ignite Your Passion

So you may have been a stay at home mom for years, or you may be a working mom doing a job that you don't like. Whatever the situation is, it is never too late to ignite your passion and live your dreams.

It's NOT over for you!!!

Mommies, whatever you are passionate about go for it. It's never too late and you are never too old to do what you are passionate about. There is no time limit or age limit that can stop you from accomplishing your dreams. Keep your dreams alive and keep on trucking! 

Who's with me!!!

Live your best life mommies, I am rooting for you!

Let's Go!!!

Monday, March 29, 2021

What Are You Looking Forward To This Spring


It's been a long winter, I am so glad that the snow is gone and the sun is shinning. The cool breeze is blowing and I am looking forward to going on walks with my family. We are park people, there is nothing like the wind blowing, birds chirping and breathing in fresh air. My family and I are especially looking for to visiting the cherry blossom tree center. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful this time a year. People come from all over to attend the cherry blossom festival in our town. It's something refreshing about being around trees, I can't explain it. The crisp air the, the breeze and the smell, it is breath taking. After being cooped up in the house, more than usual because of the pandemic, we are looking forward to being out and enjoying the weather. 

What are your plans for the spring?

Leave a comment to share your spring plans. 

Monday, March 15, 2021


Spring is coming and I can't wait to do some spring cleaning. Getting rid of the clutter makes the air feel lighter. Finally, I can breathe! Clutter around my house makes my mind feel cluttered. I am a visual person and I just hate a lot of stuff everywhere. My children also have old toys that is just taking up space and causing clutter. My son has a huge toy box with toys from his childhood. Wish me luck as I try to pry those old toys away from him. I am spring cleaning my entire house, Hopefully it goes well. Out with the old and in with the new. I believe in getting rid of useless stuff, so that I can make room for new stuff. I like a minimalist lifestyle, it's quality that matters to me not quantity. I like the air to be light and space to move around. This is my ideal way of living. Happy spring cleaning to everyone, please share your spring cleaning journey in the comments.

Monday, March 8, 2021


Motherhood has test me and stretched me at every level. From the pregnancy phase to the child birth, and then to the actual raising of my children. Motherhood and parenthood has taught me perseverance and it has also taught me patience. I am sure that you wonderful parents can relate to the patience part. These precious little ones can sure test my patience at times, but the difficult times have taught me to be compassionate and understaning. I love these little humans of mine, so whether things are going go or not so good, there is no walking away. I have to dig down deep and exercise perseverance through it all. I have also stepped outside of my comfort zone because I am a mother. I have to advocate for my children in every way, so I had to use strength muscles that I never knew I had. Motherhood has stretched me in many ways and my life is the better because of it. How has motherhood/parenthood helped you grow as a individual?

Monday, March 1, 2021


This is an easy answer for me, I absolutely hate washing dishes. If I never see another dish, I would be happy! I have been washing dishes all of my life.Being the oldest of four girls growing up, I was always resposibile for washing the dishes. There was always a mountain of dishes in the sink,and it did not matter who used the dishes, I was ultimately responsible for washing them. I also had to make sure that the house was clean. As I transitioned into being married and becoming a house wife there is no surprise here, I am also responsible for the dishes. It seems like I can't escape washing the dishes, I currently do not have a dish washer so you already know how that goes. Even when I had a dish washer, I would end up washing everything by hand because it still wasn't clean enough. My daughter wash the dishes on the weekends, so that gives me a little break. Although, sometimes I end up helping her. The second chore that is an annoyance to me is Laundry, although I must say that my husband has been assisting me with the laundry since quarantine. Before quarantine, I wash and fold clothes at least 3 times a week to keep up with the school uniforms. Now during quaratine, my husband wash the clothes once a week on the weekends,and I fold the clothes. I wash the bathroon rugs, blankets and kitchen towels. We choose to work together on that, because my entire life was becoming about laundry. I am happy to have some help on that. So there you have it! My top two dreaded chores. LOL! Do you have a chore that you hate? Please feel free to share your opinions.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Mommy Brain!

 Mommy brain happens to me a lot. I know that there are many moms that can relate to this. I sometimes forget where I put something or I may put something in the incorrect place. For example, just a few days ago I put the butter in the cupboard and the hot sauce in the fridge. Has this ever happened to you? 


Moms are multitasking all the time, our brains are always moving from task to task. Moms are far from perfect, we have a lot going on. I put the butter in the cupboard and the hot sauce in the fridge, but no harm done. Moms sometime forget things because we are tending to the most important tasks at hand. Our children are the most important and they get most of our attention. 

Mommy brain is what it is. There is really no deep explanation for it, other than the fact that moms have a lot of important things going on. While caring for our children is the most important job that we have, it is also good to exercise self-care. Everyone needs to rest and recharge every once in a while. Mom's let me know if you have ever experienced "mommy brain". Do you think that mommy brain is a real thing? Join the conversation and let me know. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

How To Talk To Teens About Sex?!

  I actually was not dreading talking to my children about sex. I have always purposed in my heart to be open and honest with them, because I want them to get accurate information. Although, I now that that the school will cover some of the information, I have always felt like ultimately it's my responsibility to educate my children on the subject the school will just supplement that. I would not depend solely on the school to handle sex education. 

My husband and I decided to talk about sex separately with our children. He talked to my son and I talked with my daughter. It just seem to be easier to do that, so that they can have privacy and feel comfortable to ask questions. There will be a time soon that we will talk to them together and give a more in depth education about sex and how to protect themselves. 

I remember growing up, talking about sex in my household was not appropriate and it was taboo. I learned everything about sex from school or talking to friends. I vowed to myself that I would create a safe environment for my children, to learn and ask as many questions as they wanted. I want my children to feel safe coming to me to talk about whatever.  I want them to know that mom and dad will always be there for them without judgement. That's my take on the subject. Please feel free to comment and join the conversation. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

At What Age Should Children Start Doing Chores?

 I know that every parent will have a different answer and that's alright. 

We all have different parenting styles and so there is no cookie cutter way of doing things. 

Here is what I did with my children:

At three years old is when I taught my children to clean up their toys. Maybe this wasn't actual chores, but this was the beginning of them learning that importance of cleaning up after themselves. They weren't consistent in doing this, neither did I enforce the routine of them picking up after themselves. Maybe, I should have enforced it more, but I admit I drop the ball on that. My children also shared a bedroom for little over 10 years. you know the hardships with that, no one wants to own up to making the mess. Also, I found it less of a hassle to do things myself, even if I was putting too much on my own plate. 

After the first 11 years, It was time for them to help out by doing some chores. By this time they also had their own bedrooms and so it was time to clean their rooms and make their own bed. They were 11 and 12 years old, when they really started to do chores. They even help us paint the house and put the dishes in the dish washer. 

My children are now, 15 and 17 years old, their they have even more chores now. During the school week, they help with feed the dog dinner and my son is responsible for taking out the trash and the recycling. On the weekends, My daughter does the dishes, vacuum the rugs and brush the dog. My son  takes out the trash, picks up the dog poop in the yard and bathe the dog. My son also helps his dad with raking leaves and shoveling snow. We all pitch in with the yard work.

I might have started late with giving my children chores but I think they are getting the hang of it. They may not do things perfectly, but the they are learning to do things in their own way. On top of this, they also know how to use the stove and make themselves something to eat. Every little bit counts, they are learning and growing. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

To Spank Or Not To Spank My Children

 This maybe a touchy subject for some. This discussion is not meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable or judged. We all parent differently and that is alright. the following article is just my personal opinion. 

This is an interesting topic. My opinion is based on my own childhood upbringing, if you do things differently that is totally fine.

I am have decided not to spank my children, I suppose that I have always wanted to parent the opposite way of how I was raised. In some ways I have learned from my childhood, in knowing what I do and don't want. Spanking was a no go for me even before I gave birth to my children. I knew right away that I would not be taking that route with my children. 

I use the time out method with my children and I also take away their devices as a punishment. Is this a full proof method? No! However, I know my children and what will get the point across. To each their own, this parenting thing is hard, we are all just trying to give our best. May we be strong and victorious in the pursuit of parenthood. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Mommy In Transition, Learning to Trust The Process

 I refer to myself as a mommy in transition, because in the past few years I went from having preteens to teenagers and this year I am faced with the reality that my eldest child will be 18 next year. It blows my mind to think that in a year, that my son will be an adult learning to navigate the world on his own. My youngest child is two years behind my son, soon she too will be off to experience the world on her own. I am feeling nervous about it all. Like everything in my life, I am trying to dive more into my faith like I have always done when facing major changes in my life. 

I am a mommy in transition and it is not easy, I am trying to live in the present and trust in the process. Most importantly, I am learning to trust God through every stage of life. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year's Resolution Or Not!?

 Happy New Year Mommies!!!!

We made it to 2021!!!

2020 has tested us, but we have also had touching moments with our families. 

2021 is here and how many of you have a New Year's resolution? 

I usually have a New Year's resolution, but this year I don't have one. This last year has taught me that life is unpredictable. There is nothing wrong with having a New Year's resolution, different strokes for different folks as the saying goes. This year I am going just keep working at my goals and keep pushing forward. The overall theme that I will bring from last year into this year is to be resilient. Whatever, life has for me this year I remind myself to be resilient and push through life's struggles. I also need courage to tackle the good things and opportunities that life has to offer. I will also remind myself to be resilient and courageous enough to take those opportunities.

I hope that you achieve what you set out to do this year. Happy New Year & do what makes you happy mommies!!!!!